No matter what I tried (deleteing folders, profiles, mozreg files, registry keys), running the Firefox (1.0PR) or Thunderbird (0.8) installers would always result in text that said it was trying to install Thunderbird 0.6 (which looks positively bizarre w/ the Firefox logo. Turns out it was a stale tmp folder in Local SettingsTemp.

Now that was a frickin annoying bug. (ns_temp is evil)

Amazingly, it all seems to run ok.

The new idea: rip BIN/CUEs into incoming folder. Encode at night on cron (replaygain to HQ VBR MP3 and M4A) and zip up the image files in archive folder), rsync nightly.

  • Outfoxed: Ruper Murdoch’s War on Journalism is Deep Discount DVD‘s #1 bestseller right now. (only $5.99, and free shipping)
  • Are ye ready for Talk Like A Pirate Day 2004? – Avast, tis near that time o’ year again. Don’t forget to download some movies or music in celebration!
  • I Found Some Of Your Life – Explanation: You are unknown to me. Your camera’s memory card was in a taxi; I have it now. I am going to post one of your pictures each day. I will also narrate as if I were you. Maybe you will come here and reclaim this piece of your life. — Interestingly enough, this week, a web sleuth found the identity of one of the people in the pictures. Apparently, half the fun will be letting the “actors” find the site on their own.
  • Seniors Rule – collection of senior high school photos found on the web
  • Postal Service Album Keeps On Delivering

    After “Against All Odds,” the group’s next video will be for Give Up’s “Silhouettes,” which will be helmed by “Napoleon Dynamite” writer/director Jared Hess.

    “He talks exactly like all the characters in the movie,” Gibbard said. “He’s like, ‘Dude, I’ve got a sweet concept for the video.’ “

Who knew? Windows XP doesn’t Blue Screen very much because it automatically reboots on lockup. See Control Panel -> System > Advanced > Startup and Recovery for settin the options and C:WINDOWSMinidump for the timestamped dump files.

Metadata that could be extracted from emails:

  • email addresses sent to
  • addresses cc’d on messages
  • message thread length
  • message length
  • thread response time
  • response time of day
  • receive time of day
  • when it was read
  • unread time
  • content analysis
  • content/participant correlation

There is more that could be gotten with address books (address books should also pool w/ feed aggregators, IM conversations

On the other end, email2kb tools are a good idea, especially for capturing project documentation and tracking ticket/task status.

See also: