• Outfoxed: Ruper Murdoch’s War on Journalism is Deep Discount DVD‘s #1 bestseller right now. (only $5.99, and free shipping)
  • Are ye ready for Talk Like A Pirate Day 2004? – Avast, tis near that time o’ year again. Don’t forget to download some movies or music in celebration!
  • I Found Some Of Your Life – Explanation: You are unknown to me. Your camera’s memory card was in a taxi; I have it now. I am going to post one of your pictures each day. I will also narrate as if I were you. Maybe you will come here and reclaim this piece of your life. — Interestingly enough, this week, a web sleuth found the identity of one of the people in the pictures. Apparently, half the fun will be letting the “actors” find the site on their own.
  • Seniors Rule – collection of senior high school photos found on the web
  • Postal Service Album Keeps On Delivering

    After “Against All Odds,” the group’s next video will be for Give Up’s “Silhouettes,” which will be helmed by “Napoleon Dynamite” writer/director Jared Hess.

    “He talks exactly like all the characters in the movie,” Gibbard said. “He’s like, ‘Dude, I’ve got a sweet concept for the video.’ “