- Guardian Unlimited: Far graver than Vietnam –
Most senior US military officers now believe the war on Iraq has turned into a disaster on an unprecedented scale
- Unqualified Offerings: The Wrong Way to Remake Hogan’s Heroes – re-enlist or get SENT TO IRAQ (see also: Report: Soldiers say they are being threatened with Iraq duty
- SEPTEMBER 11: WHAT YOU “OUGHT NOT TO KNOW” DOCUMENT 199-I AND THE FBI’S WORDS TO CHILL THE SOUL – see also: Has someone been sitting on the FBI? (2001-11-6)
On November 9, 2001, when you could still choke on the dust in the air near Ground Zero, BBC Television received a call in London from a top-level US intelligence agent. He was not happy. Shortly after George W. Bush took office, he told us reluctantly, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the FBI, “were told to back off the Saudis.”