Michale Reichmann has posted the first part of his Canon EOS 1Ds Preliminary Field Report on Luminous Landscape. Definitely interested in seeing how it compares to the upcoming Kodak DCS-14n.

I’m pretty close to just giving in and buying a D60, though. I also am need of a carry around everywhere camera. Unfortunately, the current hiptop camera just doesn’t cut it. The SmaL isn’t bad, but the resolutoin is still pretty low and I have concerns about its speed and low-light performance. The Casio Exilim looks promising… high res, fast shot time and has a good review from Steve. And there’s the Dimage Xi, which is almost as fast as the Casio, has an extra megapixel of resolution, and supports up to ISO 400 pushed and a slightly faster lens at full wide.

Here’s the hiptop HTTP Header Information. Some interesting stuff:

HTTP Request GET … HTTP/1.0
Accept text/*, image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg
Accept-Language en-us
Cache-Control max-age=259200
Connection keep-alive
Host randomfoo.net
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AvantGo 3.2; ProxiNet; Danger hiptop 1.0)
Via 1.0 w29.dngr.org:3128 (Squid/2.4.STABLE6)
X-AvantGo-Screensize MjQweDmyMABQ
X-Dangerous-Stuff Totally

Note, that while there’s the X-AvantGo-Screensize, it’s definitely not standard (maybe my base64 decode is wrong, but it says 240×960?). I’m guessing it’s a custom backend. If it were really an AvantGo backend, it should be sending all the AvantGo headers, and same support, right? Also, AvantGo doesn’t support LINK or STYLE at all according to this table.

My blog now works in the hiptop. Since I had styleswitching already built in, I just added a switch to search for ‘danger hiptop’ in the UA string and set the style to none. It should ignore it anyway since it says that it’s a f’in screen media-type in the link, but pragmatism wins this round.

Another friend picked up a hiptop. They have them in stock at CompUSA in Culver City. Yes boys and girls, until tomorrow, you can pick up a hiptop for $100+taxes after rebates. Talk about some hot shit.

Last one before I go back to posting about the hiptop again ;)

Some pictures from the Rules of Attraction premiere / after-party. If I had known I could have extracted some almost intelligible images from the darks, I might have taken more pictures. But, there was nothing particularly exciting anyway. The blue channel is worthless on the bottom end.

Anyway, short summary, Victor style (well, without the drugs and debauchery):

drove down to campus. picked up gabe. drove to the mall. exchanged my broken hiptop. got a new one. fought traffic up la cienega. burnt some clutch at the very top pulling into the parking lot. get a cab. traffic sucks. get dropped off near mann’s chinese. pass the scientologist building, laugh about xenu. get through security. pick up my pass. take a picture. go into the theater. take a piss. buy a $3 water. look up where the after party is and map it on mapquest. kill some time. listen to roger avary talk up front. join in singing happy birthday to shannyn sossamon. watched rules of attraction. it kicked ass. walked 4 blocks to the nacional. stand in line for almost an hour until security tells everyone the fire marshall won’t let anyone in. call bullshit and talk to russell from lions gate before we bounce. get let in. rum and coke. spot dawson. write on shannon’s wall-sized birthday card. walk around the slightly crowded rooms. red bull and vodka. watch a guy throwing ice in the fireplace. take a picture upstairs. gabe compliments some girl’s boa [ah, this is her]. eat some cake. wish shannon happy birthday. screwdriver. grab some hors douvres. talk to roger avary. pick up some schwag. pass by starlets. fuzzy navel. dance in a corner with gabe and 2 other people. go to the bathroom. pass by marilyn manson upstairs. go upstairs. gin and tonic. learn that open bar is closing in 5 minutes. melon ball, use it as chaser for the disgustingly strong gin and tonic. drink sitting across from marilyn manson and his goth crew. chat with dancing girl, larisa. sit around feeling tipsy and decide to leave as the place clears out. walk out and see security yelling as photographers swarm around kate bosworth leaving. take a cab to the mondrian. pick up a key and a card. go to the sky bar. it’s a patio with a not so great view. pay $30 for 2 weak red bull and vodkas. I manage to convince the bartender to top off the glasses with some more vodka. pick up some extremely salty pretzels. listen to gabe rap. talk to some girls until i realize they don’t speak english. drink some water, chat with gabe. go up to the room. comment on the gap girl on the side of the window being pretty hot. give gabe water while he heaves. notice that the toilet is leaking and think about the implications. set some alarms. go to sleep. wake up freezing at 8:30 in the morning as the cleaning maid rings the doorbell and then apologizes when i stumble to the door. jesus christ that’s early. rinse my mouth. do some blogging and read some mail. realize that the gap girl isn’t that hot, although yes, i certainly would. notice that the mondrian hat and note i had from the previous night were gone when we got in last night. fill out the comment form. clean up my stuff. get my car, i can still smell the clutch. check out and let them know that they have some issues to take care of. the receptionist agrees and writes down that she’s glad i didn’t pay for my stay. she tells me that normally they charge $310/night for that room. we go to norm’s and order bacon and eggs and chat while the people at the table behind us plot a star tour to see the sites and visit celebrities’ homes.


Hmm, Danger needs to install a spell-checking option in for their email client. Speaking of which [bad pun alert], blogging with thumb boards while drunk is dangerous. (kids, take Chris’ advice)

Here’s a run down of the current top issues on the wishlist, from a user’s perspective:

  • There need to be some mail filters. Really really really. (to be able to route different messages in different folders or to dump them)
  • There needs to be find functionality, at least in email, preferably system-wide, like the Palm
  • Address book lookups should be possible from anywhere, also like the Palm
  • You know, those Palm guys were pretty smart. OS adjustable font-sizes (or better yet, dynamic zooming) would be good. While digging through Palm’s bag of tricks, a clipboard wouldn’t be too bad of an idea either
  • There should be a central alert panel to set the alerts for all the apps. These alerts should be fully configurable and interchange between the Calendar apps, etc.
  • Being able to set real Alarms would be nice. You know, like Big Clock or something.
  • AIM client needs to be able to go into auto-away mode automatically when the keys are locked (timestamps would also be nice)
  • The browser needs to support sideway scrolling (see below)
  • The browser should respect CSS media types, render better, or allow a ‘text only’ render mode (and store it as a preference for each site, if that’s the case). There are too many sites that just don’t work.

Those are my big annoyances right now. The hiptop does so much right though. Overall, it’s excellent. I haven’t been this impressed with a gadget/tool since the original Pilot came out.

the mondrian sucks ass

You might be wondering by I’m posting at 8:45 in the morning. So am

I. But, the reason I’m up is because the f’in maid rang the door bell

and woke me up 20 minutes ago. Who the hell does that?!

While Gabe was heaving last night, we noticed that the toilet was

leaking pretty badly. Hmm… someone took my Mondrian hat

and invitation from the room. Not impressive for $250/night.