
Hmm, the camera attachment doesn’t do low light as well as I

originally thought. I’m standing in line here in front of the

Nacional. Everyone of course is on the list or has a pass, but here we

wait regardless.

Oh hey, they’re letting people not in line in before us poor line

schlubs. how wonderful. how hollywood.

OK, in the egyptian. I’m sure the novelty of this will wear off


They charged me $3 for my water.

No pictures tonight unfortunately, since I didnt’t expect to have a

working hiptop I went to sleep instead of coding my MIME decoder.

For those interested in some more hiptop / browser info, here’s some stuff I posted up on DangerInfo earlier. Anil sums it up. I think that a lot of us would be much happier if it at least respected CSS media types. If it doesn’t specify, sure try to render it, but if the f’in stylesheet says media=”screen”, the hiptop should have a more realistic self-assessment.

Not that I’ll be doing any hiptop browsing anytime soon. My hiptop is KIA. It went into it’s buzzing state again around 8PM and hasn’t recovered since. Shitty, eh?

Went and heard some good techno (and made up for some missed work outs :). Some DJs spinning some great sets, including Crystal Method‘s Scott Kirkland, at a club in Echo Park for $10. Good deal.


Hiptop just crashed again. It did it an hour ago; went into a fugue

state after rebooting and vibrated/blinkered for half-an-hour. This

time at least it just rebooted. The touter is down so I’m on the

bloggerpro gateway and hiptop email until I get mine up (need cpan

access thoguh for mime decoding…




Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format="flowed"

Content-Description: message body text

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Testing blogger pro's email feed from hiptop

.l --==DNGR-1033575737== Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Photo 2.jpg" [crap cut out] --==DNGR-1033575737==--

Wow, not only do attachments not work, but they screw up bigtime. Well, if you have base64 decoder

Checklist of how blogs look on the T-Mobile Sidekick

- randomfoo.net - only renders the first column, overlapping boxes.  boo.

- awholelottanothing.org - renders the text, but in a 20px column

- disastro.com - same

- fibiger.org - same

- waxy.org - whoa, messed up

~ torrez.org - topheavy on nav, but legible

+ massless - centered, but otherwise good

~ lyd - could be worse

- glish - haha

- scottandrew - ditto

~ surfmind.com - hey, could be worse

+ sylloge - stylin

+ plasticbag.org - looks good

+ megnut - looks good

- anildash - no

~ peterme - topheavy nav, but otherwise fine

- SvN - denied

- aaronsw - sorry

+ zeldman - not bad

~ doc - topheavy on nav, some rendering errors, but legible

~ camworld - topheavy on the nav, but the rest looks good

~ xblog - ditto

- w3future.com - did you think it would?

+ youngpup - I'm as surprised as you are

- whatdoiknow.org - not good

- web-graphics - nope

- eleganthack - nope

+ kottke.org - centered, otherwise fine

~ eatonweb - funky top, rest ok

+ rc3.org - looks good

+ slashdot.org - actually not bad, /. lite has less nav to scroll through

+ k5 - not bad

~ mefi - sideblog sorta shows up, but main stories render fine

- bud.com - topheavy on the nav, then 20 pixel column of text

+ boingboing.net - looks good

Sorta disappointing. Simpler blog designs fared better than more complex ones. Surprisingly, CSS styled pages do not linearize as they should. Positioning/styling is done somewhat haphazardly. For tabled designs, images are split up and resized somewhat arbitrarily. There’s no horizontal scrolling or zooming in the current revision of the browser.

It’s too bad that the preprocessor doesn’t go further and just strip all the css (or give that as an option), most of these sites would look better that way. Also too bad there’s no RSS aggregator for the hiptop. It might be more useful.