Chomsky on War:

Super Patriotism, The Media, and Ideological Obedience

Where does this superpatriotism come from, this arrogance (as many non-Americans see it), this idea that the US is almost God-like, that it can do no wrong, that whatever it says or does -no matter how unfair objectively- is ok simply because it’s the US that does it? When did it originate? Was it always a feature of the American psyche? I suspect the elites and their propaganda system promote this actively and consciously, but did they create it?

It is pretty astonishing. Within two years the Bush administration has succeeded in making the US the most feared nation in the world, and the most disliked, even hated. That’s quite an achievement. Conspiracy theorists might conclude they’re really working for Bin Laden. …

Also, a reminder that we are invading here:

A suicide attack by military forces resisting an invasion can’t possibly be called an act of terrorism. Suppose the Iraqi army were surrounding New York and the Iraqi air force were bombing it unopposed. If an American carried out a suicide attack against the invading forces, would anyone call it “terrorism”? Or a violation of the laws of war? Or would we rather regard it as remarkable heroism, and grant the person an honored place in history?

The US isn’t committing state terrorism. This is aggression, pure and simple, a textbook case. Even CNN provides more than enough information to make that conclusion crystal clear. One can perhaps argue that the aggression is justified on some grounds, but there can hardly be any argument about what it is. Again, simply reverse the picture. Suppose that huge Iraqi armies had invaded the US, were attacking cities, etc. Would we call it “state terrorism”?

Added some news links to the left. (Has this turned into a warblog?) It’s really sort of taken over. Had some good LMS links, but power outage took it out. May look for that tomorrow night. Also, more programming.

New York Times/CBS News Poll Watch

3. How about the economy? Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the economy?


3/20-21/03          48            40            12

3/22/03             46            45             9

3/23/03             53            38             9

3/24/03             51            37            12

3/20-24/03          50            40            10

White               55            35            11

Black               21            70             9

6. Do you approve or disapprove of the United States taking military action against Iraq to try and remove Saddam Hussein from power?


3/20-21/03               76             20          4

3/22/03                  76             22          2

3/23/03                  80             17          2

3/24/03                  75             23          2

3/20-24/03               77             20          3

White                    82             15          3

Black                    44             51          4

8. Do you think George W. Bush did everything he should have to avoid war, or should he have done more?

                    Done everything   Should have done more   DK/NA

3/20-21/03               61                    34              5

9. Which comes closer to your opinion? 1. The United States should not attack another country unless that country has attacked the United States first, or 2. The United States should be able to attack any country it thinks might attack the United States? ASKED OF HALF THE RESPONDENTS

                   Should not attack   Should be able to attack   DK/NA

9/2-5/02                 47                 41                     12


3/20-24/03               37                 54                      9

10. Which comes closer to your opinion? 1. One country should NOT be able to attack another country unless it is attacked first, or 2. One country should be able to attack any other country it thinks will attack first?


                   Should NOT be able   Should be able    DK/NA

10/3-5/02             56                    33              11


3/20-24/03            40                    46              14

11. Do you think removing Saddam Hussein from power is worth the potential loss of American life and the other costs of attacking Iraq, or not?

                 Worth it    Not worth it       DK/NA

8/6-7/02 CBS        46            43             11


3/20-24/03          64            29              7

White               71            21              8

Black               27            66              7

12. Do you think the United States made a mistake getting involved in the current war against Iraq, or not?

                      Mistake   Not a mistake   DK/NA

3/22/03                  24            70             6

Check the link for all the wacky hijinks. Sure to be fun to graph. Interesting racial split. Also, look at the swing in opinion on pre-emptive strikes. The world is a safer place!

Where is the major news coverage on Mike Hawash? A US Citizen, family man, and software designer for Intel, he’s been detained in solitary confinement by the FBI as a ‘material witness’ for almost two weeks now. First seen yesterday on

Mike has not been charged with a crime and all of the evidence used against him has been sealed by a federal court at the request of the Department of Justice. He will not be judged by a jury of his peers. He as not even been accused of doing anything wrong. He is being detained based on a twisted application of the material wtiness statute, which was originally intended for use to prevent witnesses to a crime from fleeing to avoid testifying in court.

This is ricockulous. This is shameful. This is unacceptable. This is unamerican.