Where’s Waldo? – informative post on /. about the photoshopped LA Times cover photo

The LA Times takes the right stand. It’s their responsibility to present ‘objective’ truth (read: facts), or at least to try to, regardless of what an appellate court might rule. That’s what makes the whole ’embeds’ situation distasteful. You’re throwing out the bias precept out the window before you even get started. At the Annenberg Discussion, the army guy gave a spiel justifying massaging of information and PR as par for the course, that all corporations and other organizations do it. And that’s true, however, there’s a word for that when used by governments and militaries. It’s called propaganda.

See also: psychological warfare, use of media as weapon

Let me remind you what fascism is. It need not wear a brown shirt or a green

shirt–it may even wear a dress shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to

gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.” -Tommy

Douglas (Link to source.)

The Link Sys Community Network.

How do I become a member?
Well, you might currently be a member.
Are there nefarious, competing networks I should be leary of?
Yes. In particular unsuspecting users are often duped by the so-called “default” community network. It is important to be on the lookout for these subversives.
Should I report “default” community network nodes to the authorities?
No. You should follow the directions below to set them strait.
How do I fix a “default” community network node?
Just point your broswser to it’s IP address, usually You’ll be

asked for a username which should be set to “admin” and a password

which you also set to “admin” to get started. Once you do this, you’ll

want to find the field that says “default” and type “linksys” in there.

Click the “submit” button and things should be ready to go.

AICN put up the track listing for the Matrix Reloaded Soundtrack the other day. Overall, looks rather uninspired (P.O.D.? puh-lease). One interesting track title:

Juno Reactor – Mona Lisa Overdrive

Nice Gibson reference. Also, there’s a track by Fluke too. I’d been wondering what happened to ’em. Seemed like they disappeared of the face of the earth? Loved their dark big-beat sound.