New York Times/CBS News Poll Watch

3. How about the economy? Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the economy?


3/20-21/03          48            40            12

3/22/03             46            45             9

3/23/03             53            38             9

3/24/03             51            37            12

3/20-24/03          50            40            10

White               55            35            11

Black               21            70             9

6. Do you approve or disapprove of the United States taking military action against Iraq to try and remove Saddam Hussein from power?


3/20-21/03               76             20          4

3/22/03                  76             22          2

3/23/03                  80             17          2

3/24/03                  75             23          2

3/20-24/03               77             20          3

White                    82             15          3

Black                    44             51          4

8. Do you think George W. Bush did everything he should have to avoid war, or should he have done more?

                    Done everything   Should have done more   DK/NA

3/20-21/03               61                    34              5

9. Which comes closer to your opinion? 1. The United States should not attack another country unless that country has attacked the United States first, or 2. The United States should be able to attack any country it thinks might attack the United States? ASKED OF HALF THE RESPONDENTS

                   Should not attack   Should be able to attack   DK/NA

9/2-5/02                 47                 41                     12


3/20-24/03               37                 54                      9

10. Which comes closer to your opinion? 1. One country should NOT be able to attack another country unless it is attacked first, or 2. One country should be able to attack any other country it thinks will attack first?


                   Should NOT be able   Should be able    DK/NA

10/3-5/02             56                    33              11


3/20-24/03            40                    46              14

11. Do you think removing Saddam Hussein from power is worth the potential loss of American life and the other costs of attacking Iraq, or not?

                 Worth it    Not worth it       DK/NA

8/6-7/02 CBS        46            43             11


3/20-24/03          64            29              7

White               71            21              8

Black               27            66              7

12. Do you think the United States made a mistake getting involved in the current war against Iraq, or not?

                      Mistake   Not a mistake   DK/NA

3/22/03                  24            70             6

Check the link for all the wacky hijinks. Sure to be fun to graph. Interesting racial split. Also, look at the swing in opinion on pre-emptive strikes. The world is a safer place!