Both my co-worker and I were quite impressed by Howard Dean’s NPR Morning Edition interview, transcript). He responded very well to some pretty pointed questioning by Bob Edwards. My co-worker noted these were the kinds of questions you wouldn’t be able to ask dubya—you’d get thrown out of the press room.

I think I can win, in fact, I think I may be the only Democrat that can win. And the reason for that is, that, first of all, we have 38,000 volunteers in… all the 50 states. The next person, last time I saw, had 1,300. There is an enormous hunger in this country, not just by Democrats, but by independents, to see somebody in the White House who stands up for principles that are good for the country, centrist principles. This president has moved so far right that our guys have chased after him trying to get themselves elected.

I finished my CTCS 505 (Survey of Interactive Media) class. Holy crap am I glad that’s over. I don’t know if I could have taken much more of it. The professor wraps up the class by reiterating that one shouldn’t know too much about the technology involved, and then went off talking about postmodernism as having a modern core (okay… maybe), and then all technologies as modern. I’m sorry, if you can’t see the Internet, and specifically the Web (I might also expand that to all ‘digital’) as a fundamentally postmodern architecture, well, whatever. I’m glad these people are doing their ‘critical studies’ and ‘academia’ thing instead of polluting this space.

On the bright side, now that the class is over, well, it’s over, and that’s a good thing. I should have a few months to try to be really productive. Seeing true uselessness will hopefully spur me on to avoid being so.

I’ve been mulling over names for my new 12″ Powerbook which finally came in. The ideal name should have personality, serviceable both as a term of endearment or disgust, oh, and be available as a hostname.

The list so far:

  • gimpy
  • jack
  • whuffy
  • al
  • blogger
  • random

I read a recent mention of Wesley Clark; it seems like a Dean / Clark ticket (Google turned up an interesting discussion from back in January) would make a lot of sense.

From a great post by Matt McIrvin:

This election, if lost, won’t be on the nuances of the issues anyway, it will be lost because of the more electoral efficient disbursement of GOP voters, a more enthused and loyal GOP electorate, and a GOP that will have $200 million dollars to craft its message. The 2002 midterm elections as a guide, show that in close races the swing voter did not perceive a difference on the issues between the Democrat or Republican and/or they did not know what the Democratic position was. There needs to be a very clearly articulated difference. Everyone knows what the GOP stands for Tax Cuts and Defense Spending. People are fuzzy on what the Democrats stand for, I think Fiscal Responsibility and Civil Liberty is a good start.

Before I get back to work, some hilarious comments on a SCO CEO interview /. post:

You’ve been living in a dreamworld, Mr. McBride.

Have you ever read some code, Darl, that you were so sure was yours? What if you were unable to prove it? How would you know the difference between your code and GNU’s code?

What is yours? How do you define yours? If you’re talking about your opinion, how you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you’re talking about are conjectures — mere electrical signals that are likely misinterpreted by your brain.

…do you believe in OSS, Darl?

Is it so hard to believe? The code is different; The open relays in the binaries and daemons are gone. Look at the time & date management; they weren’t Y2K compliant a moment ago.

Darl: No! I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it.

SCO’s investors: He’s gonna pop…

Here’s one in the form of a nigerian scam letter, fun legal games. Of course there’s some real discussion too, but it’s pretty much the same stuff, just all kinds of commentary on how SCO’s got nothing.

John Cougar Mellencamp Speaks Out (on politics, racism, the music industry)

…They had a long laundry list of problems. Their complaint was, “You have this beautiful chorus [‘Come on baby take a ride with me/ I’m up from Indiana down to Tennessee’], why do you have to fill the song with these things that will agitate people?” Well, that’s what the song is.

Did they come around in the end?

No. That’s why I left Columbia Records.

Because you didn’t feel you could work with people who felt that way?

Because I always thought it wasn’t the record company’s job to like the song. I thought it was their job to sell them. And I just didn’t see the point of me arguing with people about the material.