I finished my CTCS 505 (Survey of Interactive Media) class. Holy crap am I glad that’s over. I don’t know if I could have taken much more of it. The professor wraps up the class by reiterating that one shouldn’t know too much about the technology involved, and then went off talking about postmodernism as having a modern core (okay… maybe), and then all technologies as modern. I’m sorry, if you can’t see the Internet, and specifically the Web (I might also expand that to all ‘digital’) as a fundamentally postmodern architecture, well, whatever. I’m glad these people are doing their ‘critical studies’ and ‘academia’ thing instead of polluting this space.

On the bright side, now that the class is over, well, it’s over, and that’s a good thing. I should have a few months to try to be really productive. Seeing true uselessness will hopefully spur me on to avoid being so.