I mentioned MP3 splitting last month. This month is about MP3 joining/merging software (sure you could just cat together, but for neatness you want to rip of the wrapper blocks):

  • mpgtx – an mpeg toolbox, gpl cmd line, does video and audio
  • AVI-Mux GUI, BeSweet – audio/vid transcoding, muxing
  • MP3BookHelper – does some related piecing together
  • e-w@re MP3 Merger – looks like it never made it past v0.3, and the web-site is gone, but it works

There are non free/Free ones, but well, why bother linking those?

Sold out of Red Bull at Ralphs?!!? What are these people trying to do to me?

Driving to the Ralph’s down the block, I was listening to an NPR report about how successfully Howard Dean’s (issues) been using (and fundraising on) the Internet. (Here’s a related NYTimes report, or check out the blog for real-time updates) He also overwhelmingly won in last week’s MoveOn.org PAC Primary. In short, Dean’s been kicking butt, which is cool. Having watched him in a recent debate (Real – also, warning, it’s pretty cringe-inducing; also: Lieberman must be put off of his misery), he comes off pretty well. Last Dean related business: he is former Governor of Vermont, one of the only states with sane, respectable elected officials, he was not a Senator, and so did not vote for CTEA, COPA, The Patriot Act, the RAVE Act, or any number of shite bills that most of the other candidates did…

More procrastination fodder: Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_