If you PLEAC they will come

I’ve been doing some hacking around with IMAPAssassin recently. It really is unfortunate that IMAP4rev1 doesn’t allow adding headers to an existing message. For most purposes, it wouldn’t matter that you just FETCH it, modify it, and APPEND it, but in this case, since messages are being read in a loop, making a new message at the end causes some extra work.

I was writing a little terminal config program to assist w/ IMAPAssassin set up, and while looking for how to not echo passwords entered interactively in Perl, I found the PLEAC – the Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook, which is basically cloning the Perl Cookbook for other languages (the Python is the most complete one [besides Perl of course] right now, at 43.57% done right now).

I’ve also had a renewed interest in looking at Mail Clients recently. I’ll probably post something up sometime when I get a chance. Hey, I think technically, I’ve finished up my 37.5 hour work week already.