• WaveSurfer – an open source sound visualization and manipulation tool. The voice analysis views are great.
  • VoiceSync – a research initiative that uses voice, sound, music, shape and color to improve our vibrational perception. some of neat cheap visualization/feedback tools for the PC (also some granola crunchiness)
  • Brain opera
  • Voice AnalysisThe voice analysis algorithms used in the Singing Tree measure pitch, noisiness (ambiguity), brightness, energy, and vowel formant. These algorithms were written by Eric Metois, four of which were part of his DSP toolkit used in several other projects and his Ph.D. thesis [30]. In this section, I will describe how these algorithms work and the information they send to the Singing Tree. I will also discuss alternatives where applicable.
  • Ph.D. Thesis: Singing Voice Analysis/Synthesis
  • SONIA V2.6 for Java and Processing 0068Sonia is an external Library (API) for the Processing platform. It may also be included in any Java project. The Sonia Library provides advanced audio capabilities such as multiple sample playback, realtime sound synthesis, realtime FFT (frequency) analysis of the microphone input, and writing .wav files from samples.
  • Aglaophone – A system for real-time analysis and processing of sound

God, what is it with Xanga users and their desire to embed MP3s from my server on every pageload? I wrote a mod_rewrite rule when I first spotted this a while back (suckas!) — it only works when an external referer is detected, which embeds often don’t pass. For now it’s just a principal thing, but if gets more annoying I’ll probably have to take more extreme measures (referral/ip/user whitelist).

Thoughts for challenges in designing DHTML web apps, frameworks:

  • at what point should client-session state be recorded on the server (ie, if someone leaves the ‘site’ and comes back
  • related: for public sites, making sure that URLs continue to work
  • cleanly separating behavior at each level so that crawlers and other dumb clients function (progressive enhancement, graceful degradation)
  • Flash Communication Server : Wow! (July 14, 2002) – install to shared whiteboard + cursors + chat + av webcam streams in 25 minutes — DHTML cannot compete in this space; it probably shouldn’t?
  • Gushing for Gush – holy crap, Gush‘s announcements get it right!

  • Shinkuro is a free xplatform file/screen sharing software; not as full featured as Groove, but not as morbidly bloated either (stowe’s review, Gillian Kerr’s review)
  • Jason Rohrer has been very prolific. Didn’t realize these are all by the same guy:
    • silk – a web-based hypertext system with frictionless linking
    • MUTE – an anonymous file sharing system
    • konspire2b – a peer-to-peer content distribution system
    • tangle – web page entanglement.

Making notes for a longer essay, better laid out thoughts when I have time.

One surprising thing about working w/in a University IT is a strange reluctance
at a high level against open source.  
This is to be completely expected from a corporate perspective, and reflects
the background.
two definitions of enterprise level, from the top down and bottom up
blurred in Net/.com (was a real difference in how IT is done) 
what does support mean
internet infrastructure: bind/bsd/linux/sendmail/apache/java/ssh
getting things done, not a problem, consistently more efficient/successful
vs commercial offerings
understanding it doesn't necessarily scaled out of that env; has it been tried?
current approach not very sucessful
se best practice, management, cio issues