- Josh Marshall on the last question of the debate:
This is all of a piece. In the Bush world you never admit
mistakes. The only mistakes the president can think of are the times he
appointed people who do admitted mistakes — who put reality above
loyalty to the president.No one likes admitting mistakes. And it’s often especially difficult for public officials to do so. But recognizing
mistakes — on the inside, if not for public consumption — is how
you prevent mistakes from metastasizing into disasters. Which all
explains a great deal about how we got where we are now in Iraq. - mefi discussion: Vice President Cheney declares the no-wmd report justifies war – some really good points and a few guffaws in there. Saw a student screening of f9/11 on campus, have the DVD coming in, will have to post the ‘WMD’ montage…
- NationStates is a free nation simulation game. Build a nation and run it according to your own warped political ideals. Create a Utopian paradise for society’s less fortunate or a totalitarian corporate police state. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them. Join the United Nations or remain a rogue state. It’s really up to you.
- Need Sum Wood? – The rumours on the internets are true!
- First Drive: Golf V GTI – Wolfsburg to Paris – luckily there’s at least a year for me to restrain my impulse to buy. That and I still think the front end is very un-VW
- Overlap between faceted classification and business rule systems?
- Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth: Center for Private Equity and Entrpreneurship: Articles (see also: their glossary)
- techInterview –
Answers to technical interview questions
– hey this is a fun (and potentially useful, I suppose) read - hack a day – another Weblogs inc. blog. Looks cool
Art Party going on tonight. Looks like it’s going to be a big bash. Should be fun to catch old friends.
- Treo 650 vs Treo 600 Photo Comparison – the only thing the 650 doesn’t have is multi-threaded browsing/msging (will have to wait for Cobalt for a Palm-phone to do that) and possibly crippled BT for the Sprint version (we’ll have to see)
- Dred Scott = Roe v. Wade – oh. more proof that these guys are fuckin’ nuts
- Rep. Time Ryan is a Good Dude [5.5MB MOV] – you guys have someone to be proud of, Ohio. If only there were more of them
- Derrida dead (decomposing vs deconstructing?), noted on Wikipedia
- “I don’t need the cash, I’d prefer to just change the world.” – that about sums it up, right there (otoh, cash as conversion to units of time… a certain amount of that is nice)
Claim: Aftermath of Hurricane Charley reveals message from God on billboard.
Status: True.
Not also, that the new advertisement blown off seems to be Mooby related.
Danah says supporting the Mac is required for social computing.
You can build enterprise software that doesn’t work on a Mac but you CANNOT build social technologies that don’t work on the Mac. Who are key driving forces behind sociable technology? Freaks, (independent) geeks, academics and other marginalized populations. What do marginalized groups use when it comes to technology? Surprise – they use subversive tools. Conferences organized by geeks, freaks and academics are like walking into an Apple distribution warehouse. If you only lived in this world, you would think that Apple makes up 70% of the market share.
I’d go further and say that any social networking infrastructure MUST be inherently cross-platform, but I’m sure that lots of people are/will try to prove that wrong. Lets hope for their continued unsuccess.
A friend mentioned I edit (post to, I assume) my blog than all the rest of the people on her blogroll combined. I’m probably not as much of a junkie as the people on my feedreader, but it is one of the advantages of editing the blog through vim. Sending off a missive is just a xterm-switch away. The next thing is to track up the total amount of day spent clicking away at this thing, but it’s most likely less than the amount of time I spend walking between meetings and offices, so I don’t feel too bad about it.
Need some realtime fact checking (ooh, distributed realtime fact checking app would be fun) for this debate…
- Daily Reason to Dispatch Bush – err, if you need more mistakes (Bush couldn’t think of 3, except for the appointments who wrote books about him I guess)
- U.S. judge blocks partial-birth abortion ban – Kerry was against it because there was no health exception
- Researchers Cite Stem Cell Shortage –
The finding that only 11 cell lines are currently available instead of more than 70 led to a call for lifting the restrictions and development of new cell lines.
- LCV’s 2003 Presidential Report Card – GWB gets an F, the first ever the LCV has given to a president (34yr history)
- The Bush Record on the Environment –
‘George W. Bush will go down as America’s worst environmental president,’ writes Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and one of the nation’s top environmentalists, in Rolling Stone (12/11/03).
- Factcheck.org: Bush Still Fudging the Numbers on Kerry’s Tax Votes –
The Bush-Cheney campaign released a television ad August 23 accusing Kerry of casting “98 votes for tax increases.” The number is an improvement on Bush’s earlier claim that Kerry cast 350 votes for “higher taxes,” which we described as inflated. But even the new, reduced total is padded
- In New Attacks, Bush Pushes Limit on the Facts –
From the beginning of the year, the White House has charted new ground with the sweep of its negative campaigning, starting with an $80 million wave of attack advertisements directed at Senator John Kerry that began the moment he effectively won his party’s nomination last spring.
- Scorched-Earth Strategy –
After a terrible week for his campaign, Bush has one agenda between now and Election Day: attack Kerry
The Long Tail – Matt is right, Chris Anderson’s article about how the Internet has changed the nature of the media life-cycle is a treat. So simple, yet so well synthesized (definitely the best summation I’ve read). Lessons to keep in mind as people start on “Web 2.0”.
Hmm, was wondering why I had a spike in access to /junk (indexing removed) and it was because I had temporarily disabled my robots.txt file and forgot to reenable it (this is a good url to remember: http://services.google.com:8882/urlconsole/controller?cmd=robots). Oops.