• Josh Marshall on the last question of the debate:

    This is all of a piece. In the Bush world you never admit
    mistakes. The only mistakes the president can think of are the times he
    appointed people who do admitted mistakes — who put reality above
    loyalty to the president.

    No one likes admitting mistakes. And it’s often especially difficult for public officials to do so. But recognizing
    mistakes — on the inside, if not for public consumption — is how
    you prevent mistakes from metastasizing into disasters. Which all
    explains a great deal about how we got where we are now in Iraq.

  • mefi discussion: Vice President Cheney declares the no-wmd report justifies war – some really good points and a few guffaws in there. Saw a student screening of f9/11 on campus, have the DVD coming in, will have to post the ‘WMD’ montage…
  • NationStates is a free nation simulation game. Build a nation and run it according to your own warped political ideals. Create a Utopian paradise for society’s less fortunate or a totalitarian corporate police state. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them. Join the United Nations or remain a rogue state. It’s really up to you.
  • Need Sum Wood? – The rumours on the internets are true!