New Music: Where does it go?

Another year coming and going… It seems to have flown right by. While I’m writing as much (maybe more than ever), it goes mostly into the Yahoo aether, never to see the light of day. I can understand now why and how people go silent – there’s an entire pocket universe in there… I’ll be making a conscious effort to change that in 2007, but we’ll see how that works out with the other things going on in my life. In the meantime, enjoy some of these great year-end/next-year tracks…

America Waking Up?

The results of the election and the aftermath feels like America waking up from a 5 year-long drunken bender and finally regaining some sense… After the 2004 elections, I got pretty burnt out on it all, so I think that I’m emotion I’m feeling most more than any other is that of relief — I’m relieved that people have realized how much of a failure Bush/Neocons/Republican agenda, are seeing through the newspeak/spin, and got fed up with it all.

Although I’m finding it hard to supress a goofy smile seeing the newspeak unravel so dramatically:

One down…

Blackberry Pearl Dev Journal: Making Progress

It’s a while since I’ve done Java programming, but I’m slowly getting up to speed for programming on my Blackberry Pearl.

  • Have gotten my signed+registered keys to sign my code (the signature files were originally placed in the wrong folder by the application)
  • Can successfully request files over HTTP
  • Discovering that the Blackberry API docs often have completely non-working code samples
  • Can open the SDCard filesystem and write files/folders
  • Got the JDE to finally rebuild w/o having to restart the simulator
  • Have loaded an app OTA
  • Discovered that the camera MMAPI interface doesn’t exist… but there’s a workaround that’d probably work OK for what I need

Yahoo! Open Hack Day: [this is good]

Reflecting back (and from the inside), I don’t think that Yahoo! Open Hack Day could have gone any better. It blew past my personal best-case expectations. The biggest problem is where to take it from here. But that’s one of those good problems. 🙂

There are a lot of good and bad things about big organizations, and in the day-to-day, a lot of people can get hung up about the latter, but the organizational hacking is to figure out how to leverage and finesse all those positives with the right vision and approach. (hooray Chad and Bradley!)

Some more awesome writeups from Yahoos:

Open Hack Day Music Mix

I made a mix for Open Hack Day that ended up being completely not needed. But, I’ve been meaning to make a mix for a while and it’s a nice change up since it’s neither my usual new-to-me-this-month or my usual style – it’s built for a crowd, for build-up (post ~1hr it sustains a peak as overflow), and is even more eclectic than usual.

Playlist: Open Hack Day Mix

Title Artist Time

Nel Cimitero Di Tucson

Gianfranco Reverberi


English Lesson Remix

DJ Format


KRS1 – KRS1 Attacks

Krafty Kuts


The Gloaming (DJ Shadow)



Four Hours In Washington

M. Ward


Mount Wroclai (Idle Days)



What Comes at the End

Cloud Cult



Cut Chemist


Ooh La La



Too Young



The Comeback

Shout Out Louds


No Key, No Plan

Okkervil River


Sex Machine

James Brown



Rip Slyme


Ganges A Go-Go

DJ Shadow & Dan The Automator


The Power Is On

The Go! Team


Get Myself Into It

The Rapture


Sunday Bloody Sunday




Basement Jaxx


A Fifth Of Beethoven

Walter Murphy


Robot Rock (Soulwax remix)

Daft Punk



I Love You But I’ve Chosen Dar


Desperate Guys

The Faint


Mr. November

The National


Hey You

Basement Jaxx


I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

Arctic Monkeys


China Girl (Diplo Mix)

Diplo & M.I.A.


Vats of Urine

Danger Doom


Ping Island/Lightning Strike R

Mark Mothersbaugh


Oh Mandy

The Spinto Band


Google Reader: Huge Improvement.. BUT…

The new version of Google Reader is light years better than the previous (read: actually usable). The scrolling/loading is still a bit clunky, but that’s just implementation niggles that I’m sure can get filed down. It also starts to include a full stream view (although the filtering seems to have taken a step back – there’s just no grouped/labeled feeds?) It also doesn’t seem to have any sort of real aggregation (collecting things into piles).

The absolutely worst thing though is expressed in Chris’ video message though. I can understand the pitch of Reader as an “Inbox for the Web,” but I already have an Inbox, it has big numbers and things to unbold, and it doesn’t do that by itself – the last thing I need/want is more to be deluged and responsible for. The Inbox metaphor may work for those who have a few sites they read, but how does it let me sample/prioritize for hundreds or thousands of feeds? (Simple answer: it doesn’t!)

Blackberry 8100: First Impressions, mencoder

I got my Blackberry 8100 finally yesterday afternoon, and playing with it for a day… I think it’s going to work out.

  • The form factor is amazing (about the size of a SLVR) – this is the first time I’m carrying something phone-sized again (if you have a Treo, imagine it shrunken a centimeter on each dimension (including width – this thing is thinner than a closed RAZR)
  • The email works like a charm (once it got provisioned on Cingular, it practically set itself up), and the default view is a merged inbox (SMS, MMS, various mail accounts), which I like. Setting up the network was simple and by and large, OTA installation of apps was a breeze (more about that later)
  • Unlike my PPC-6700 (running WM5), the Blackberry OS is super-responsive – this is what I’m most pleased about – actually I’m pleased pretty much about everything on how it functions. The phone functionality works great, and you can easily navigate around while you talk (it displays your on-call time in the top bar while you access other apps) and it runs things in the background without any problems (I’m looking at your Palm OS 5). I’ll be posting more about the UI later – there are a lot of nice things about it. The overall responsive-ness is amazing though
  • Sure, I wish the camera performed better in low-light and was higher-res, but overall it’s quite serviceable. I haven’t found a good dedicated client yet, but the email-sending is streamlined enough that I may even start posting to Flickr again.

Now, the Media Player has been getting some guff (yes, it could really be much better, and I hope that future revs are), however, it seems to be perfectly serviceable. It’ll play music in the background, and the video actually plays quite well if you transcode correctly (the player-controls stay onscreen though).

The original mencoder options were posted on this Blackberry Forums thread. I’ve maded some of my own tweaks:

mencoder -vf scale=240:-2 -o -of avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=320:acodec=mp3:abitrate=64

Using scale=240:-2 scale=240:180 will have mencoder retain your existing aspect ratio instead of forcing a 4:3. I also upped the bitrate a bit (why not splurge). I haven’t played w/ faac for audio yet, but will be trying that next.