This was actually pretty fun:


Here’s the ones I got:


And the ones I forgot including some really obvious ones. There are a bunch of form related ones I use all the time that I didn’t remember, as well as oldies like frames…


eBook Thoughts

First, a bit of background: I read a lot on my screen every day, and I’m very much in the Cory Doctorow camp on Ebooks (as true now as it was 3 years ago IMO). I still read a lot of physical books. A lot more, actually, in the past year since I moved into SF proper and have had a lot more transit/commute time. These days I always try to carry a book around when I head out, especially if I’m catching the BART or MUNI – there’s a lot of “dead time” during the day. I don’t suspect that any of this is very unique, but rather that these attributes I’ve lined out are actually quite normal, and at most, differs from the norm only by degree, not quality.

That being said, there are a few areas where I fall outside that norm, but I think might give an interesting perspective, as they are “leading edge” issues. For example, I currently have 699 subscriptions in my Google Reader. (At Amazon Kindle’s current subscription pricing, that would mean a cost of $700 to $1400 per month. That’s ignoring the fact that I’m sure no reader (including Google Reader) works well for hundreds or thousands of feeds at the moment.) I’m also an early adopter and a bit of a gadget geek, having bought one of the very first e-ink devices, the iRex iLiad. It actually suffers from a variety of issues that has left it in the realm of tinker-toy instead of daily device, which very much informs my thinking.

All this is to give some context on my thoughts about the Amazon Kindle. There are a lot of things to like about it. It has many features like the Vizplex E-Ink screen, OTA content-loading, and very good power management that make it very appealing. The store integration and library management approach (centralized syncing) from what I’ve seen looks sensible and good.

Of course, I’m never going to buy one in its current state. Mark Pilgrim writes the best philosophical reasons against the Kindle, but many of my issues, while related, are less idealistic and more utilitarian – I’ve already mentioned how the Kindle is incompatible with my feed reading habits. The built-in search is nice, but unfortunately, ultimately useless, as the Kindle is unable to load (and therefore index) the majority of my technical/reference reading (in PDFs and HTML). I’m also unconvinced by the ability of the UI to handle a seriously large catalogue (the pictures show a linear list). And even though it may be built on Linux, I suspect it will be seriously unfriendly to tinkering to make it work better. Of course, the biggest issues do all revolve around the DRM and how your content is treated. These are the things that Mark points out, but it may be worth re-iterating.

I find it laughable that anyone would call the Kindle the iPod of reading. The success of the iPod was built on the transfer/ripping of people’s existing libraries and the file sharing of open digital media files (yes, Petunia, we’re talking about copyright infringement with EM-PEE-THREES). Now, on the first area, it turns out book scanners aren’t quite as common as CD drives, and on the second… can you imagine if the iPod were built in the way that Kindle is? Every single piece of media that you wish to load onto the Kindle must be sent via email to Amazon’s text processor, where it rips apart your content, and then tracks and does analysis on your documents.

Now, if you’re an customer already (I’m an Amazon Prime member myself and buy from Amazon regularly, bordering on religiously), you’re already comfortable (or at least resigned) to the amount of commercial/transactional information they’re collecting, however their Kindle TOS gives no additional provisions for privacy of the documents that pass through their conversion service, which means they are now potentially collecting the full contents of your personal documents, or anything you send through their conversion service for that matter — that’s a (nominal) step up from knowing what DVDs I bought.

All this wouldn’t be worth putting on the tin-foil hat if they weren’t motivated to pry through your documents, but… well, they are. The first general term is about “Illegal Use.” Text analysis is trivial and I don’t see why the RIAA’s wet dream would be any less so of the book publishers’ associations considering that they in conjunction w/ Amazon are already foisting the same consumer-antagonistic DRM that removes all traditional property rights from the media you “buy” on it. The Kindle is just like the iPod, if the every single track you put on your iPod went through a similar digital panopticon and if the iPod became a useless brick w/o said panopticon service.

Aside: I have a relatively modest library (according to Amazon, I’ve bought about 100 books from them since 1998 — their yourmedialibrary system is actually neat start for personal catalogue management). Based on quick look at my shelves I’ve probably bought another 100 or so volumes elsewhere). As a friend mentioned, books are one of the last types of media where I buy the majority of what I consume. I don’t have any philosophical grounds against it, and although I’d prefer it be convenient, I have occasionally gone out of my way to drive to a brick and mortar store (Scalzi’s Old Man’s War) or ordering from Amazon (Charlie Straus’ Halting State) after reading a piece of it online (or even the whole thing in some cases), and that’d be unlikely to change, especially because it appears to be more convenient to purchase, but having that at the cost of giving up all my existing rights/privileges (while paying up-front and on-goingly) to “lease” IP is a kick in the face.

In any case, I am really glad that the Kindle has been released and with such hype, as it really shines a bright light on digital reading, long the neglected step-child while music and video hogged all the digital attention. Kindle ups the stakes, and will encourage people to start thinking about what they really want out of ebooks, and hopefully it’ll spur other companies to respond to that demand.

As for myself, the reading device I am most excited about is the OLPC I just ordered. It’s not e-ink based (which is a shame, since they really are amazing), and it’s heavier and bulkier, but it is both higher resolution (1200×900 vs 800×600) and denser (200dpi vs 167dpi) than the Kindle, and as a transflective screen, will also work in sunlight and consume only 0.1W of power w/ the backlight off. It also has very good power management (read the travails), which allows fast suspend/resumes in the 100ms level. Lastly, it is a fully functional Linux system, with the GUI built on Python and built for openness . One thing that I learned from the iLiad is that if the system is nominally open/hackable, that unless there is a large enough community working on it, or active support from the developers, all your time will be spent fighting the device. Progress will be slow, marginal, and ultimately unfulfilling for everyone.

In short, wake me up when someone loads Android or Python on it, then I’ll be excited. Speaking of Android, eBook readers do have competition (besides pBooks that is) – the iPhone (and mobile phones) in general serve much of the purpose of being extremely portable and killing dead time without having to carry something extra around. Still, for those long trips, it would be nice to be able to read the latest news or gathered technical papers, or yes, some books on an e-ink screen.

Things to look forward to:


After 356+ days of uptime, service was interrupted as my server was moved over to another rack at around 3AM. And a bit more downtime on the site as I fell asleep and forgot to get the DNS updated until the morning… But, things should be back up, depending on your DNS TTL.

SXSW 2007 Notes

SXSW was pretty damn crazy this year. Even bigger than last year, and this time with 500% more overlapping parties. Unfortunately that meant less time hanging out w/ old friends and having interesting conversations, and absolutely nowhere for Boggle-playing (although I did play a bit of Set for the first time – I think I would have gotten better at it if I hadn’t had so many drinks earlier…)

Also, some good sessions. My faves:

  • Will Wright Keynote – this is the third time I’ve seen him speak (Spore demos don’t count and pale by comparison) and he’s bar none the best presenter of game structure/form. What’s great is that he takes you on a real intellectual journey when he speaks – you hang on as he zips through and there’s so much good stuff that you really want to go back and explore – that sounds like that’d be a fun game. Anyway, really hoping a good recording pops up
  • Henry Jenkins – I’ve been a huge fan of Jenkins’ written work since my first readings back in visual literacy class in my undergrad days. And, it turns out he’s just as insightful and engaging in interview as he is in writing. Hooray! If I ever live in Boston I’m gonna crash all his classes.
  • Bruce Sterling – as a speaker, Sterling rarely disappoints. You’re guaranteed at least a handful of clever bon mots, some novel insights, and a few incendiary things tossed in that you suspect is there just to get a rise out of people. There was a bit more of the latter this time. Aside: the commonality of all the three sessions mentioned so far is that they’re talks where can engage you in intellectual dialogue, even as a domain expert (this, unfortunately, is rarer than you’d hope – for years, I’ve been pretty dissatisfied w/ a lot of SXSW sessions because they often made me feel like I was wasting my time, but I had a lot less of that this year – partly by better panel selection (topics, knowing the speakers, skipping time slots), and partly by sheer luck I think).
  • Phil Torrone and Limor Fried – I’ve seen this talk a fair number of times, but it doesn’t get boring – there’re always new gadgets and the conversation does keep evolving (I like the DIY business tangent, and I’d appreciate even deeper discussion about the more serious/cultural implications of Maker Culture and the coming of the Fab Labs…)
  • Beautiful Algorithms – this was everything I wanted out of the session. A soothing discussion about various maths accompanied by great visual animations of said algorithms. Take a look at for some of those. (Hilbert Curves btw are quite useful for collapsing multi-dimensional data)

I’m really looking forward to catching some of the podcasts of sessions. Here are the ones I wish I didn’t miss:

  • Mobile Design – Kevin moderated this one, and apparently Matt Jones was quite on. This unfortunately overlapped w/ the Jenkins session, so I really didn’t have much of a choice on that one
  • Pervasive Gaming – I almost made it to that 10AM session, but blinking led to a 1hr snooze…
  • WoW w/ Joi and Justin – I heard good things about this, and yes, it turns out that this is really good. Joi, Justin, and Ben are great complements for each other and the conversation is lively and touches on all kinds of relevant issues… highly recommended
  • Field Guide To Design Inspiration – haven’t listened to this yet, have heard it’s worthwhile – but come on, no slides?


Twitter API

Things that need to be fixed/added:

  • AUTH for API is sooo broken (nonexistent). Impossible to make apps for people w/o. Here’s a document on how to implement one.
  • user object should pass leave status (and any other info you have, like last update)
  • Not API per se, but not having groups is pretty lame

Other stuff, but that’s the stuff that popped out while I implemented my email digest app.

Oops. blipped off the net briefly (sometime between last night and this morning) due to domain expiration. Unluckily, my registrar didn’t send any renewal notifications. Luckily, they have a holding period and it got fixed pretty quickly. These days I have my domains scattered a bit, between Yahoo, and EV1 (merged w/ ThePlanet) – this year, I’m vowing to find a better way to consolidate/organize all my domains and DNS stuff.

A while ago I had a mess of domains to renew, so I wrote a dirty script that would help for the EV1 (now ThePlanet) domains. Since the UI really sucks, hopefully this is a good start to help anyone who’s too lazy to write a mechanize script but can see the value for it. 🙂

2007: I Have A Good Feeling About This

2006 was a bit of a grind, but I have a good feeling about this next year. Working on the year plan right now. I’m pretty excited. Things I’m super-stoked about:

  • Living in SF! Actually working on the place
  • Building a physical computing/fabricration workshop
  • Making a year-plan, scheduling all the stuff I want to do

Update: I should also add that I’m getting pretty stoked again about the future of blogging and of my blog, although it’ll be a while in the cocoon before I will get a chance to turn it into what I want… It’s pupating though. 🙂

Google Reader Revisited

I’m giving another Google Reader another shot after the latest tweaks – originally I ended up giving up since tagging 600 feeds was just an impossible task jumping between viewing the content and the settings view, However it’s still been quite a slog

  • The feed filter in Settings page is great, but it really just makes you want to have that in the main reader
  • The in-reader pulldown is great for making changes, but it causes a several second refresh to go on in the subscription list. This I suppose will disappear as updates are actually implemented properly
  • One of the annoyances of my add experience was a fair number of dupes – it seems to have added Atom + RSS feeds for many of these, forcing me to very annoyingly slog through, double check both feeds, remove/tag one, wait for the subscription list to refresh, and then remove/tag the other – this as you can imagine completely sucks and makes me want to stab a spoon in someone’s eye
  • Search! But this is well known
  • Customizing your start page really makes a huge difference. Reader still takes too long to load and it doesn’t feel like i get a good overview of what’s new (I really want an expanded list view – a list view with a couple lines of content)
  • Now if there was a way to group/nest folders (I suppose I could mass select based on tags and add another tag w/ a hacked name starting w/ ‘_’ to put it first… but that’s not exactly what I want, and the clutter is very real)
  • Really wishing I could tag while adding a subscription. I’ve added a dozen subscriptions already and everytime I think about the 5s I have to waste doing that
  • Inline help for key commands would be really useful
  • Icons/Thumbs/Cards would really make a difference in the reading experience – or color-coding, better greying out of read items, etc. – even with the left-bar hidden, the layout is too busy/cluttered and undistinguishable (just squint and look at it if you want to see how hard it is to glean information from it)
  • A preference to not show post numbers would be easy to do (could be done via GM script)

Google Reader is the best feed reader out there right now, although how it’ll be accepted by the mainstream I will probably continue to be an issue (there are a lot of corners that can and probably will be rounded). Almost all of the things I listed above are fairly surface/trivial to fix. Obviously search is a little less so (I understand their pain for proper privacy / subsectioning on their search). The only other major thing I’d really love in my reading experience is a Dashboard view that could offer a more topical/buzzy view of things. It’d be great if there were link/topic-based clustering integrated both for that and at the individual post level (making it easy to follow threads/collapse redundancies). Along those lines way of automatically classifying linklog posts vs writing would be pretty sweet. Actually, I take that back, there are about half a dozen other things I can think of that would be huge opportunities for anyone aiming to do a reader, even for the “power” market that Reader has aimed at, not to mention the general public.

But until then, I think I’ve found a new feed reader (I invested a while last night and am about half-way (I hope) tagged – why oh why can’t I filter just for untagged feeds?)

Oh also, that “inbox for the web” marketing line you’re using? Sucks. I think the last thing anyone wants is yet another neverending stream of things to unbold…

Update: I’ve given up on categorization for now. I have about 450 feeds left, and with the delays in loading and picking, if I averaged 6 seconds per feed tagging it’d take me 45min of continuous tagging to organize my feeds. That’s ridiculous. I give up for now.