Last week had a full overhaul, aiming for full W3C standards compliance. Indeed, while certain stories still don’t, the front page validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS2. Eric Meyer has interviewed Douglas Bowman of Wired for DevEdge.

(BTW, of course, since this is fully standards compliant, it renders all wonky on the hiptop). I sent another message to Danger, but they only seem to listen to Anil, not anyone that actually owns the device. 😛

I went to the Bright Eyes concert at the Henry Fonda Theatre (casenet) Thursday night. The Bruces (not my cup of tea) and M. Ward (very cool) opened.

Despite the sound being horrible all night – it seemed to get muddier as the night progressed; there was also an ear-splitting feedback incident which seemed to have taken out Conor’s right ear for the night (the show must go on) – I really enjoyed the set. I didn’t quite see the fifteen-piece orchestra, but the overall ambience created was good (the actual acoustics was shite of course). They played pretty much the entire Lifted album, with some of the songs translating better than others. For the encore, there were one or two new songs that I’d never heard before.

My friend commented that he couldn’t figure out if the arrangements were really good or bad because he was hearing lots of unisons, but it could have just been because the sound. While I’m not going to judge Conor’s compositional genius, I did notice that a lot of the harmonies/counterpoints (not to mention lyrics) didn’t make it through the board. What a total mess.

I also learned that yellow loading striped zones are not ticketed at night around there. This trick apparently doesn’t work around the tourist areas in Hollywood anymore because too many people had been catching on.

Just some other random hiptop rumination. Using it as a phone is pretty awkward. The more I think about it, the more I wish they had put the microphone/speaker on the back of the device. It just makes so much more sense. Even as it is, it is fairly natural for me to be able to hold the Sidekick in my hand w/o touching the screen. A slight molding, and it could work perfectly (holding it symmetrically, with the pad of your palm across from your fingers is slightly awkward, but holding it with the pad of the palm against the bottom corner and your fingers wrapping around actually feels pretty good).

Mobile Junkies Reshaping Society?

Mobile Junkies Reshaping Society? – Wired article on new Rheingold book.

Rheingold also makes the case that mobile technology has altered teenage etiquette. After a series of talks with cell-phone-toting Tokyo teenagers, Rheingold concludes that being on time is no longer a matter of concern for the mobile crowd. As long as one is reachable by short message service (SMS) or phone, being late is a non-issue.

A couple of months ago I was having dinner with a friend who had just gotten back from a stint of ‘converting the heathen’ [*snicker*] in Taiwan, and he mentioned how weird it was that people don’t SMS in the US.

Hmm, seeing as I’ve gone at least two post without mentioning the hiptop, I’ll just say that this might change things…

Recently, Anil kicked off a small furor based on my complaints about how the hiptop handles CSS media-types (I had sent a note to Danger on that a while ago). Despite it’s severity, I could still let it slide (hiptop, I forgive you because I love you). But now this, this is just unacceptable. Can’t you respect the love and care and vision that has gone into this page? Its visual fidelity, the background and foreground elements, the very message are completely obliterated! Unacceptable!

Some weekends the blog gets love, some weeks it doesn’t. This will probably be one of those doesn’t weeks. I’ve imposed a crazy deadline for myself at work. Also teaching a Basic Photoshop class again later today (I wasn’t intending to teach these but my partner had jury duty. Oops. Oh hey, today, I went through most of the Intermediate stuff yesterday…). Dinner Wednesday. Bright Eyes @ the Henry Fonda Thursday. Maybe I’ll get around to either some spare-time coding on Friday, if I don’t go out. Oh, and I need to do some lawyer-hunting in between as well.

Of course, I’m sure that schedule doesn’t compare to some others. If there’s one blog to be following in the coming months, it’s Lawrence’s.

Steven Levy follows up on his earlier paeon to Lessig in a new article on the Eldred v Ashcroft case (starting in a few hours!) for Newsweek entitled Glitterati vs. Geeks: