Mobile Junkies Reshaping Society?

Mobile Junkies Reshaping Society? – Wired article on new Rheingold book.

Rheingold also makes the case that mobile technology has altered teenage etiquette. After a series of talks with cell-phone-toting Tokyo teenagers, Rheingold concludes that being on time is no longer a matter of concern for the mobile crowd. As long as one is reachable by short message service (SMS) or phone, being late is a non-issue.

A couple of months ago I was having dinner with a friend who had just gotten back from a stint of ‘converting the heathen’ [*snicker*] in Taiwan, and he mentioned how weird it was that people don’t SMS in the US.

Hmm, seeing as I’ve gone at least two post without mentioning the hiptop, I’ll just say that this might change things…