I went back and did some work on doing time-based color coding to make my recent referer viewer more useful. It now compares a last visited date to the referer date. Converting the latter to epoch time was surprisingly easy:

$date_parts = explode(":", $v[lastdate], 2);

$date = strtotime(str_replace('/', ' ', $date_parts[0]) . ' ' . $date_parts[1]);

I shaved off a few microseconds by adding an extra conditional so that this comparison only happens until the first time it hits an older date.

[update] Jesse wasn’t quite getting what I was talking about. I took a screenshot to show him, but thought hey, other people might be interested as well:

Reading Down and Out right now. Cory makes some good points. Case in point:

The Bitchun Society has had much experience with restores from backup—in the era of the cure for death, people live pretty recklessly. Some people get refreshed a couple dozen times a year.

Not me. I hate the process. Not so much that I won’t participate in it. Everyone who had serious philosophical conundra on that subject just, you know, died, a generation before. The Bitchun Society didn’t need to convert its detractors, just outlive them.

Ran the MusicBrainz Tagger on my EAC/LAME albums last night. Out of about 1200 songs, about 20 or so were misidentified (sometimes amusingly so), and 3 seemed to cause intractable errors with the server (syntax error due to an invalid response???). I think I sent in just over 250 previously unidentified songs, but my profile shows only 1 moderation?

Thanks to not getting horribly food poisoned, I’ve been semi-productive in getting post-SXSW stuff going. I’ve wedged some wiki-transform code onto my notes and I’ve gotten the first few audio files cleaned up. Also, been talking to Wes, and since I’ve got gobs of bandwidth, will be cleaning up/offering the QT vids he’s made too.