Aaron put up a new article on How to Do Live Streaming, piping esdrec to lame to ssh. A nice howto that also mentions how esd can be finicky (as I’ve used it more, I seem to be encountering it more. I use a df to make sure it’s actually initialized and outputting correctly – also, even the latest patches don’t play nice with the iMic, hence no cool binaural SXSW recordings).

Related: last year’s oscon recording post, oscon 2002 recordings, record shell script

Whenever I get a friend sending me articles like this, Gold Standard = Fiat in Disguise, I find myself wishing that I had learned more about macro-economics. Of course, talking to my brother and other business degree grads, it seems that fiat systems aren’t discussed much in class either.

Unfortunately, Google isn’t much help either, as the search results more often than not turns up just short of (or beyond) loony, ultra-libertarian, chicken-little screeds. Of course, it’s enough to get one deeply worried, especially when taking a good look at the cold, hard numbers (more fun all over).

Here are a few links that I’ve gathered that seem fairly balanced on the topic:

On the trailing edge

Giving Source Tags & Codes a good re-listen, and am digging it much more than the first time. Same thing happened w/ the Interpol album. I’d pick up a copy of Source Tags right now, but Interscope is an RIAA member (Yes, this does actually affect my purchasing decisions [of course, my end of the year EFF contributions as well]).

Luckily I’ve acquired a few tracks to keep me otherwise occupied this past week. A former coworker plays drums for an Austin band called Halley. They played at La Zona Rosa after this year’s 20×2, and were pretty rockin’ live. They’re album is great (where to buy it), with this great post-rocky type feel. Here’s a track from that’s been in rotation:

Also, I picked up a copy of Scott Andrew‘s American Thing EP (MP3’s at his site). I’m ferverntly awaiting some more script rock (although hopefully, with a sing-along chorus).

Hey Gracenote, FUCK YOU

Been trying to get back on track w/ the CD ripping tonight. One interesting thing I noticed was the CC CD handed out at SXSW was in CDDB but not FreeDB (fixed). I wonder if whoever entered it into the former was aware of the whole licensing bruhaha (more). I remember being pretty miffed myself, as I had entered in practically my whole collection back in the early days…

Related: Joi Ito: Robert Kaye from Musicbrainz