Raises some interesting questions: Putting The Brain On Trial

He was a schoolteacher, a husband, a father. Then he became a pedophile preoccupied with sex.

Doctors who treated him at the University of Virginia hospital in 2000 believe that the man’s powerful sex addiction was caused by an egg-sized tumor in his brain.

“It turned out he was a guy who had made it into his 40s without having any problem with this,” said Dr. Russell Swerdlow, a UVa associate professor of neurology. “He had a brain tumor that was damaging the part of the brain that controls impulse.”

Once the tumor was removed, the man’s sexual obsession disappeared. Swerdlow believes this is the first known case to link damage of the frontal lobe with pedophilia.

Public Service Announcement: if you’re looking forward to the Matrix Reloaded (and if not, you should be!) and want to stay unspoiled, you might want to avoid /. this week, as trolls are not only posting a monster spoiler in posts but also embedding them in otherwise normal looking stuff (very evil).

Recently, I got an interesting idea in my head with regards to social software. I haven’t entirely been keeping up with the latest developments, so have been starting to bone up and go through archives for stuff I may have missed, basically using the following as starting points:

Oh, coincidentally, there’s a recent /. post on The Debate about Social Software (watch out reading the comments, there are major Matrix Reloaded spoilers hidden there. In fact, it might be a good idea to stay away from /. this week if you don’t want to be spoiled).

Doing this sort of semi-directed research has highlighted how inadequate my tools and process for online research are (bookmarking, relating, annotating, etc).

Semi-related: Justin’s getting a lot of crap for his donation request. I look at it with some bemusement, quite a few people getting riled up about it. I mean, personally, the asking for donations thing isn’t for me (and also, if you’re getting charged $75/mo for 30GB/mo transfer, Justin, you’re getting ripped the fuck off), but I mean come on, I’m not going to rip into him about it or anything. Have these people even ever met Justin, or do they just think they can say whatever because it’s online, or they’ve been reading his writing for a few years? Anyway, interesting questions raised all around about the nature of digital identity and social relationships, self-publishing (and attendent reader-writer responsibilities), and the like – exactly what makes this so fun, right?

This weekend, I actually got around to finally cleaning my apartment. Amazing what you can get accomplished when properly motivated.

more or less clean apartment

There’s still some clutter still, and it’s not spotless, but it definitely is showing potential that I previously hadn’t thought possible.

The rsync algorithm rocks so hard. Here are some stats for syncing changed ID3 tags. Yay rolling checksums! 🙂

rsync[1869] (sender) heap statistics:
  arena:         758264   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:           11   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             2
  hblks:              1   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:        266240   (bytes from mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:           80
  uordblks:      690592   (bytes used)
  fordblks:       67672   (bytes free)
  keepcost:         840   (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 3007
Number of files transferred: 10
Total file size: 14747774318 bytes
Total transferred file size: 49373563 bytes
Literal data: 52963 bytes
Matched data: 49320600 bytes
File list size: 143445
Total bytes written: 150027
Total bytes read: 423414
wrote 150027 bytes  read 423414 bytes  39547.66 bytes/sec
total size is 14747774318  speedup is 25718.03

I’ve been looking for good OS X CD tools for a while, but hadn’t had much luck on my last search. However, I was just looking around and finding some new stuff:

  • FireStarter FX – a burning tool that uses the Cdrdao library (allows full sub-channel writing) looks like it supports iso and cue/bin files, as well as overburning. It also includes backup capabilities and apparently allows Paranoia audio-cd ripping. Oh, and it’s GPL’d. Cool!
  • NTI Dragon Burn – this program does all the standard CD burning (hybrid, etc.) and looks like a nice alternative to Toast.