Boo-urns. Feeling slightly under the weather (ok, feels like a frog in my throat, but it could be worse).

Gave a friend the P2P social software spiel, he brought up a good point about data scraping, lack of double blind transactions—which is true, that’s a whole different issue…

Also, been looking into mobile devices after learning that when using GPRS (more info), voice calls are shunted directly to Voice Mail if data is being sent or received. It looks like right now, using Sprint’s 1xRTT is a pretty much the same, allowing incoming data while dormant. Sometime this year Sprint may be aiming for the ability to suspend active data to receive incoming voice.

Frankly, I’m rather surprised by this VM behavior, and I think that 90% of people aren’t aware that by transferring data they have a good chance of missing calls. What’s the point of having data services if it means that people can’t reach you when they need to?

Matrix Reloaded, the first major motion picture to accurately portray a hack. See pics at Trinity uses an SSHv1 exploit to get #. Cool! Timeline discussion:

Not only is it important for the coolness factor, but we can learn how Nmap looks in the future by studying that output!
Maybe not. In the first movie, the Matrix world is in 1999. Morpheus mentions how since Neo became the One, they have "freed more minds in the past six months than the past six years". So Trinity is actually using an exploit discovered in 2001, in a simulated world that can be no later than June 2000. So how can she do this? Possibilities. * Trinity is one of the best hackers on the planet. She could have discovered the flaw herself, or perhaps some other Zion-based hacker did. * In the real world, they do have some technology from earlier eras. Perhaps Trinity came across some old mailing lists on a CDROM. Say hi to her next time you post.

Random thought: when are the PowerBooks with transflective screens coming? Ironicaly, it seems the latest generations of PDAs are more usable than laptops now because you can actually see them in the sun. The Panasonic ToughBooks are the only consumer laptops I know of right now that have transflective screens…

I will be at E3 today with my EOS-10D and my F402. I’ll be taking pictures. I may even post some online later. 😉

Hyatt has been discussing XBL on his blog. I haven’t done much playing around with XBL (it’s on my list), but it seems to make a lot more sense for client-side presentation than XSLT.

brainfart: [js fragment processing / bookmarklet for creating aribrary DOM node searching/linking…]

alt: Mozilla, SashXB, XWT

OMFG, Half-Life 2 is amazing. Brilliant character animation, character AI, and stupendous physical modelling. Definitely best in show, and blows away everything else I saw (yes, this includes Doom 3). If you’re there, don’t stand in line for 3 hours. Go directly to the Standard (6th/Flower) where their showing demo screenings of the current build every half-hour on the half-hour.

Shot: 501 images (14 rolls), only 1.3GB as I switched to shooting JPEG — RAW was just way too massive.

Random fun story: Gabe and I were so engrossed in GTA3: Vice City, yelling and just in a state of pure joy taking out virtual cops with an assault rifle that we didn’t even notice that there was a filming crew moving around (with lights event!) capturing our excited squeals at how the heads popped right off the police officers.

Moving Outlook messages from one computer to another to another computer to import into Outlook Express is weirdly convoluted. Because of the way that the import works (it looks for Outlook profiles for importing PST’s), you have to go through shenanigans to move the files into the right place. I ended up just getting annoyed the crap out, converting the .DBX files on the source computing and moving it into the proper ID in the target computer.

(This requires another 10 more steps because by default, XP’s search not only won’t search for hidden/system files, but won’t even let you get to them until you drill down through annoying dog avatar menus to select the ‘advanced’ mode. Also, using real command lines all day, you forget how absolutely gimpy CMD.EXE is)

Anyway, one of the many reasons that personally, I use IMAP and not have to worry about any of this mail transfer business. Also, illustrative of why I hate XP. I’d reinstall W2K, but my hardware requires the ‘upgrade’.