Tonight’s goal: get calorie counter back up and running.

The ASCII is sorta a pita to parse; I wasn’t really up for manually recreating the data model. The easiest way to load the data ended up being using the sample Access DB, running exportSQL on it, and then dumpinging it into mysql from there. Worked w/o any complications (just be sure to reference the DAO libs first when calling the exportSQL module).

I’m back from Vancouver. I had pretty spotty ‘net access during the trip. Also, I was quite lazy, hence the lack of updates. Timing for the trip was rather haphazard. Going up a couple days earlier and I could have caught WebVisions in Portland. Err, also, missed California Extreme on the way down. But on the bright side, the trip was fun and relaxing. Vancouver is disappointingly quite un-unwired, but otherwise a beautiful place.

Also, Red Bull apparently cannot be sold in Canada (heroin and prostitution are, however, decriminalized).

From eggpost’s archives, via matt’s a.whole:

Dear teenaged males of America, with your baggy pants and ironic nerd hair: You have turned all the teenaged females of America into lesbians, good work. Do you think there were this many teenaged lesbians 10 years ago? Sorry, there weren’t. I am not judging you, just letting you know.

I think I escape culpability here because my nerd hair is the real deal.

Metafilter thread on the Bush/Wilson bruhaha. Two weeks ago, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson 4th wrote a NYTimes article entitled What I Didn’t Find in Africa about his debunking of the Hussein/Niger uranium purchase allegations for the CIA back in February 2002.

Not unexpectedly, the Bush administration obviously hasn’t been taking that so well, and based on this Nation article, things have taken a turn for the worse. Two senior administration officials have just outed Wilosn’s wife, a CIA agent working under “nonofficial cover” tracking parties trying to buy/sell WMD/WMD material. Well, was working before the White House leaked her name:

Without acknowledging whether she is a deep-cover CIA employee, Wilson says, “Naming her this way would have compromised every operation, every relationship, every network with which she had been associated in her entire career. This is the stuff of Kim Philby and Aldrich Ames.” If she is not a CIA employee and Novak is reporting accurately, then the White House has wrongly branded a woman known to friends as an energy analyst for a private firm as a CIA officer. That would not likely do her much good.
