Been doing some DHTML GUI work recently. One way to do it is to, as ppk suggests, Keep It Simple. Of course, what I really want is a window manager that does all the basic GUI stuff, including, if possible, handling flexible variable-resulotion window positioning/resizing.

Adding more comments as I work with these…

  • DynAPI – v3.0 is almost out; it sports comprehensive functionality, impressive browser support and is LGPL’d. On the other hand, it’s pretty massive, I’m iffy about their RPC library, and the documentation for the new version is a bit spotty currently
  • netWindows – a neat looking framework, w/ some very slick features, AFL – still looking into it, yet to test; some development going on, but looks partially stalled out
  • Bindows – thought I’d give it a mention; Erik, one of the WebFX guys has been working on it, and it looks like it has some great features, most prominently a complete Swing/WinForms like GUI toolkit. Alas, it’s slow as all get out, and currently IE 5.5+ only.

Of course, the current functionality I need is pretty simple, so I’ll string together some simple libs first and see if there might be a more logical way to tie all this together…