Webloggers deal Harvard blog-bores a black eye (hilarity via Nick)

“Apologies to the 90% of the audience at this thing who will likely be reporters for magazines and websites, their fees paid by their respective editors to Find Out What The Kids Are Up To These Days, but I not only am not going to this thing, but publicly and pre-emptively pity anyone in that remaining 10% who would actually pay that much to do so.”

I hadn’t even heard about this before reading this, and from the looks of things, I’m not missing anything special.

Recently I’ve been looking into blog/content aggregation for a variety of purposes:

  • gathering a single person’s output across heterogeneous systems
  • taking a single post and repurposing in multiple outputs in a single internal system

The former requires one to externally reference (but to probably mirror for convenience) the content, but the latter of course can be accomplished simply by extending the data model to assign m:n relations for posts:outputs.

Another alternative for the latter is to use Trackback (example) although the pinging interface is pretty limited, allowing only a 252 character excerpt, and without Author, posting (not ping) date, etc…

Eigenradio – the top 20 singular values all day, every day!

Eigenradio plays only the most important frequencies, only the beats with the highest entropy. If you took a bunch of music and asked it, “Music, what are you, really?” you’d hear Eigenradio singing back at you. When you’re tuned in to Eigenradio, you always know that you’re hearing the latest, rawest, most statistically separable thing you can possibly put in your ear.

Couldn’t be worse than listening to your neighborhood Clear Channel stations, right?


TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. On Windows NT, 2000 and XP TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows.