• Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames

    Fractal Flames are algorithmically generated images and animations. The software was written in 1992 and released as open source, aka free software. It has been incorporated into many graphics programs and ported to most operating systems. The shape of each image is specified by a string of numbers – a genetic code of sorts.

  • electric sheep
  • Image Savant – SPORE

    SPORE is an ongoing software/aesthetic development project that has grown out of a proprietary ultra-high speed particle renderer which runs on Irix, Linux, and OSX. All the images on page 1 and 2 are stills from animations, and some of these stills are constructed with over 1 billion particles.

CalPundit interviews Krugman:

Most people have been slow to realize just how awesome a sea change has taken place in the domestic political scene….The public still has little sense of how radical our leading politicians really are….Just before putting this book to bed, I discovered a volume that describes the situation almost perfectly….an old book by, of all people, Henry Kissinger….

In the first few pages, Kissinger describes the problems confronting a heretofore stable diplomatic system when it is faced with a “revolutionary power” — a power that does not accept that system’s legitimacy….It seems clear to me that one should regard America’s right-wing movement…as a revolutionary power in Kissinger’s sense….