- Hacking Friendster, Part I – XSS strikes again, lots of other goodness at More Theory
- Lurker – an innovative mailing list archiver/reader; good stuff. Would be even better w/ JSRS
- Dell Linux Blog – whoa cool.
This webpage is for informational purposes only, may contain typographical errors, technical inaccuracies, and information about configurations which are not officially supported by Dell. The content is provided as is, without express or implied warranties of any kind.
- PEPSI / APPLE SUPERBOWL PARODY 2004 – what’s the new song in the background?
- Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science – full book now online; the rest of the site looks interesting as well
Category: Legacy
I’ll be teaching a Friday night (wee, fun!) workshop on UNIX, trying to concentrate on essential tools, and ways to make working in the shell much more convenient: Stupid UNIX Tricks. RFC: Anything I’m missing?
I’ve switched pretty much exclusively to using Apple’s Mail.app for day to day mail reading. For the most part, it’s a pretty good experience. It definitely handles both Courier and Sun IMAP better than Mozilla (only Courier gotcha is manually setting the INBOX prefix). There are a couple things that really bug me however:
- Not being able to filter by unread, custom flags; this is incredibly useful in Moz/TBird
- No advanced search; pretty lame
- No keyboard shortcuts for lots of things (err, expand all maybe?)
- Doesn’t remember my preferences, for thread expansion, source viewing, etcc.
- Can disable image loading, but can’t disable HTML rendering completely
Some tools that may help:
- zoe – email search engine
- Haystack – ‘universal information client’
- Mail.app plugs and suggestions
reBlog – hacking a simple metablogging system out of Feed on Feeds. I’ve been kicking around the server-side Aggregators that I could find. Feed on Feeds certainly kicks the stuffing out of rNews (and is cleaner as well: all the code isn’t in one big file). I’m in the process of making some changes, including republishing (either as a post or linklog format) and some interface changes that I’ll hope to send upstream soon.
Things I’m working on:
- Multiple category filtering and visual grouping
- One-click link-logging (w/ via), reposting
- Entry diffing/updates
- Ability to parse invalid feeds
- The Trouble with RFID (/.)
- The Stanford WebBase Project – where Google and Kaltix come from
- heerforceone – google + friendster = eurekster?,google buys kaltix
- Kaltix and personalized search
- Elucidon, Grokker
- FuzzyBlog
- Eastgate – Tinderbox, Storyspace
- sxswBlog – back up and running
- unstruct.org – Unstructured Information Management
- One-Way and Collision-Resistant Functions [PDF]
- Just out of curiousity: Comparative Review of Secure GUI FTP Clients, Daring Fireball: MacSFTP,
- the Anomy mail tools – once you get started w/ mail processing tools, it can be downright addictive
- Gush – Jabber/XMPP IM + news aggregator; must look into it
- Blogdigger Development Blog
- PubSub vs. Feedster
The key difference between PubSub.com and previous free systems is that we provide, or *will* provide, “Push” delivery mechanisms. There are other differences, but that’s probably going to be the most noticeable one for awhile.
- PubSub – PubSub blog
- Alarm Clock with iTunes & Cron Solution
- iTunes Scripts for iCal v1.5.1
- Want her? You cadaver! – fascinating sculpture made from plastinated cadavers (creepy)
- Social Routing
This is my attempt to build a model of how implicite SocialNetworkingSoftware could work. The reasons why explicite SocialNetworkingSoftware I presented in CritisizmOfExpliciteSocialNetworkingSoftware. Alternatively one can treat that as a ThinkingFramework of how to analyze SocialNetworkingSoftware.
- XNS Public Trust Organization
The XNS Public Trust Organization (XNSORG) works with the Internet community to determine the future direction of the open eXtensible Name Service (XNS) protocol. XNS is an open, XML-based protocol for identifying and linking any resource participating in any kind of digital transaction. You’ll find the complete technical specifications on this site.
- Re: Shell based text editor for writing prose
Most unix text editors cannot (easily?) be set up to reflow a paragraph
automatically if you edit it somewhere in the middle. In vim this means
a bit too much typing of the gqip command when editing a paragraph to
reflow it. Like changing modes, this becomes second nature — I’ve
probably done it at least twice while composing this paragraph. - Alex King’s Blog – some good webdev content; I really like his Tasks tool as well
- Jamie Zawodny blogs about his house-buying experiences
- Common Sense for a New Century – Howard Dean’s platform makes sense
Cory Doctorow has published his second novel, Eastern Standard Tribe. Like his first novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Cory’s made his book freely available for download under a Creative Commons License.
Cory has a write up of what he’s trying to do:
The future is my business, more or less. I’m a science fiction writer.
One way to know the future is to look good and hard at the present.
Here’s a thing I’ve noticed about the present: more people are reading more words off of more screens than ever before. Here’s another thing I’ve noticed about the present: fewer people are reading fewer words off of fewer pages than ever before. That doesn’t mean that the book is dying
— no more than the advent of the printing press and the de-emphasis of
Bible-copying monks meant that the book was dying — but it does mean
that the book is changing. I think that literature is alive
and well: we’re reading our brains out! I just think that the complex
social practice of “book” — of which a bunch of paper pages between
two covers is the mere expression — is transforming and will transform
(The comments are also quite worth reading.)
- MagpieRSS with REX parser – to handle invalid feeds using REX: XML Shallow Parsing with Regular Expressions
- U.S. rejects Japan’s mad cow test
Investigators have found only 27 of 98 animals that were raised together and may have shared the same source of feed before being shipped to the United States in 2001.
More discussion at: Mad Cow Killer Worries About ‘The Magic Burger’