Apparently something that came out of New York, but seems like it’d be a perfect match in LA.

Movieoke – A form of entertainment in which a person acts out scenes from a movie while a silent version of the movie plays in the background.

This looks to be a very promising collaborative workgroup tool. Allows instantiation of multiple projects/subprojects w/ their own membership. Channel replication/dataflow push that looks fairly unique… also, standard file repos, forums, issue tracking, wiki, membership options. (Java App, runs on JOnAS, an open source J2EE application server.

LibreSource is an open free software platform that aims at hosting virtual teams and distributed communities for a large range of activities, including co-authoring, co-development and co-engineering activities, for a large spectrum of software and non-software applications. It wants to become an important structuring elements of the free software community, for both industrial and academic actors.

Why Java is retarded: changing a regex in SnipSnap’s Radeox engine involves digging into the jar file, making the changes, and then reloading the entire application. That’s really just not very convenient. Am I missing something? Is it acceptable for that much downtime for seemingly trivial changes?

Firefox was getting slower and slower when opening new tabs and windows (near the point of being unusable). I realized that the default bookmark location was set to the toolbar (to emulate Safari?), so cleaning that up has now sped things back up. (currently super-speedy again)

  • the Degree Confluence Project – The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here.
  • xACT – an all-in-one GUI for Shorten, FLAC, and shntool derived from MacFLAC by Scott Brown. Also uses md5sum and sox. (supports APE file decoding)
  • Postfix Enabler for Panther – Postfix Enabler can help Mac OS X users set up a totally functional buzzword-compliant mail server in less than a minute, the Mac Way. It sets up SMTP, POP3 and IMAP services, with or without SSL support. It even sets up SSL test certs so that you can test the SSL connection. Also, it enables SASL Authentication so you can connect to ISPs who require the SMTP connection to be authenticated. Or, the other way around, it allows you to enable SMTP-AUTH on the server, so you can authorise remote users who need to send mail through it.
  • That Was Then, This is Now – comScore Media Metrix celebrates its eighth anniversary with a comparison of top sites in January 1996 and January 2004. Hint: Think consolidation.
  • Eben Moglen’s Harvard Speech – The Transcript – good fun from Eben Moglen’s address and Q & A at Harvard February 23
  • How Microcontrollers Work – good intro explanation
  • RSS Ads – RSSAds provides an economic model that allows content publishers to offer full feeds of their content via RSS.

I finally got around to trying out RE_INVIGORATE, a free real-time stats tracker that does some neat views (the time zone display is pretty nice). No slicing and dicing, but good fun. It’s interesting comparing the interface to something like Sawmill (horribly ugly and baroque, but extremly powerful – alas, single-threaded, no real-time support).