For the most part I enjoy working on my Mac, mostly for its unfettered shell access, day to day apps (iCal, Mail) and timesaving graces like LaunchBar (just turned my PC back on last week after a month-long haitus. That being said, for some tasks (image processing, ripping/encoding) there’s just no comparison. Also, I’m not a huge iTunes fan (WinAmp any day of the week), and there’s just nothing on OS X on par w/ Trillian or TopStyle.

Just noticed something Jeffrey Veen posted on Seven Steps to Better Presentations. As an interesting contrast, MJD’s Conference Presentation Judo, a talk on giving technical presentations.

Semi-related, Edward Tufte answers questions on information design on his site.

  • A History of Apple’s Operating Systems

    This document discusses operating systems that Apple has created in the past, and many that it tried to create. Through this discussion, we will come across several technologies the confluence of which eventually led to Mac OS X. An important goal of the discussion is to better understand the reasons, and if possible, the rationale behind Mac OS X and its important components. This, in turn, will be helpful in understanding and appreciating the system as it is today.

  • The history of the Apple logo – a new series of articles at Macnyt
  • – an Linux KB on MediaWiki; It occurred to me today that it’d be nice to have a nice xref’ed shell scripting KB

I’m sure there’s a less ugly way to do it, but here’s a command to get a list of files owned by a user ordered by last modified date:

find ./ -user root | xargs ls -ld | tr -s ' ' ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f6-9 | sed 's/^Jan/01/; s/^Feb/02/; s/^Mar/03/; s/^Apr/04/; s/^May/05/; s/^Jun/06/; s/^Jul/07/; s/^Aug/08/; s/^Sep/09/; s/^Oct/10/; s/^Nov/11/; s/^Dec/12/; s/ [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] / 2004 /' | sort -n -t ' ' -k3 -k1 -k2 | tac

This does a find/xargs to list instead of an ls -r to give full paths. There’s an ugly sed-script because while sort allows multi-key sorting, it doesn’t allow changing order types (there’s a -M flag that will sort month dates, but it’s global, same with -n for numeric sorting, I couldn’t find a way to assign differenting sorts for each of the keys).

At around the point of doing multi-key sorting I probably should have switched to an actual programming language, but it became a ‘principal of it’ thing at that point.

So, finding the files/folders owned by a single user is pretty straight-forward (find ./ -user $USER), but what if you want to find out a count of the files owned by all the users in a folder tree?

# find out number of files owned by users in a folder tree
ls -lARF | cut -d ' ' -f4,4 | grep -v ':' | grep -v '^$' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

Basically, list all the files, then cut so you get just the username, then get rid of extraneous lines, sort together so you can get a unique count, and do a reverse numerical sort to get a descending list.

grep '.' will also work for returning characters only, also awk NF.