Working on this got me to clear out my inbox.

The Bush campaign has been running a bizarre web video entitled Kerry’s Coalition of the Wild-eyed [4.7MiB QT] (local mirror). It really is a strange mess with a very muddled message (and a very strange ending coda – very propecia). The campaign manager explains its about Democrat fear-mongering. There’s some irony to this negative ad attacking a much less negative campaign for being negative. Also, an attack on fear-mongering from an administration who has mastered and whose entire strategy the past four years has been exactly that.

Hey Bush Campaign, while you’re having a mental meltdown, why not try this campaign slogan on for size: Vote Bush! Don’t change horsemen in the middle of an apocalypse

  • Re: ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ is casting a wide net at theaters by by RevMudd

    This movie blasts them and they are in full defensive mode. People come out wondering why the holy fuck haven’t they been told what’s in this movie. Bush’s dad was with a member of the bin Laden family on the morning of 9/11? Bush and his family have taken 1.4 billion dollars in Saudi money? Bush spent 7 minutes reading “My Pet Goat” after he was told “America is under attack?” Planes took bin Ladens and other Saudis out of the country while other Arabs were being held for months as material witnesses? And on and on. It’s no news to us, but it sure is to lots of other people who get their news from TV. You’d think stories like that would command some investigation and attention. You’d be wrong if thought so, apparently the news directors think you don’t need to know this or you’d be too fucking dumb to understand the complex world of international finance that makes it OK for ex-presidents to get rich serving the interests of a foreign government that teaches its citizens to hate us.

  • “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell

Quick and dirty current inbox stats:

Inbox: ($unread)/$total messages “; print ‘Size: ‘ . sprintf(‘%.1f’, $size/1024) . ‘ MiB


Here’s the code that generates the text file which I simply read with file() and then split:

echo time,`date +%s`;
echo,`ls /home/lhl/Maildir/cur/ | wc -l`
echo inbox.unread,`ls /home/lhl/Maildir/cur/ | grep -v 'S' | wc -l`
echo inbox.size,`du -s /home/lhl/Maildir/cur/ | cut -f1`

Alternatives for keeping detailed mail stats:

  • Use procmail log tool (mailstat, in cron, possibly graph to RRDTool? (see Mailgraph)
  • Use Mail::Graph or other Perl-based solution
  • Log to MySQL schema: total(timestamp, folder, unread, total, size)

Ideally, I’d want to be able to do minute-by-minute graphing of individual mailboxes to see trends. Would be interesting to generate a Filelight-like display as well as to try to map time-based changes (perhaps in 3D?).

What I’ll probably do I’ve done:

  • Pulling Inbox info (total, unread, size) from cron every minute
  • Dumping Inbox information into MySQL table every 10 minutes
  • Processing daily procmail log from cron every minute
  • Rotating procmail log stats into MySQL table at midnight

Getting totals should be as easy as running a SUM() on the mail_daily table. The mail_folders is currently only watching the inbox, but could easily be expanded. (These tables should really be called mail_incoming and mail_totals to better describe how their different, but whatever).

Welcome to America – this is sickening (but sadly these days, par for the course — man, that’s even worse).

“How dare you treat an American officer with disrespect?” he shouted back, indignantly. “Believe me, we have treated you with much more respect than other people. You should go to places like Iran, you’d see a big difference.” The irony is that it is only “countries like Iran” (for example, Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe) that have a visa requirement for journalists. It is unheard of in open societies, and, in spite of now being enforced in the US, is still so obscure that most journalists are not familiar with it. Thirteen foreign journalists were detained and deported from the US last year, 12 of them from LAX.

Three female officers arrived to do a body search. As they slipped on rubber gloves, I blenched: what were they going to do, and could I resist? They were armed, they claimed to have the law on their side. I was an anonymous foreigner who had committed a felony, and “those were the rules”.

Recently Bush has made the statement that “The values of this country are such that torture is not a part of our soul and our being.” But it seems that people are all too willing and comfortable in carrying out grave injustices when encouraged by bureaucracy and institutionalism. And what can anyone do in retaliation?

I think that anyone that does much flying will recognize shades of the reporter’s experience. Flying back from Denver the other day, I was asked by a TSA lady whether I had a video camera. When I replied that I did not, but I had a digital camera she smirked and said that “that’s okay… for now.” This has nothing to do with public safety, but the knowledge of the very real power held kept me from giving her a proper sig heil.

Going to the airport gives one a very real taste of what it’s like to live in a police state. And the airlines wonder why they’re losing money.