The Bush campaign has been running a bizarre web video entitled Kerry’s Coalition of the Wild-eyed [4.7MiB QT] (local mirror). It really is a strange mess with a very muddled message (and a very strange ending coda – very propecia). The campaign manager explains its about Democrat fear-mongering. There’s some irony to this negative ad attacking a much less negative campaign for being negative. Also, an attack on fear-mongering from an administration who has mastered and whose entire strategy the past four years has been exactly that.
Hey Bush Campaign, while you’re having a mental meltdown, why not try this campaign slogan on for size: Vote Bush! Don’t change horsemen in the middle of an apocalypse
- Re: ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ is casting a wide net at theaters by by RevMudd
This movie blasts them and they are in full defensive mode. People come out wondering why the holy fuck haven’t they been told what’s in this movie. Bush’s dad was with a member of the bin Laden family on the morning of 9/11? Bush and his family have taken 1.4 billion dollars in Saudi money? Bush spent 7 minutes reading “My Pet Goat” after he was told “America is under attack?” Planes took bin Ladens and other Saudis out of the country while other Arabs were being held for months as material witnesses? And on and on. It’s no news to us, but it sure is to lots of other people who get their news from TV. You’d think stories like that would command some investigation and attention. You’d be wrong if thought so, apparently the news directors think you don’t need to know this or you’d be too fucking dumb to understand the complex world of international finance that makes it OK for ex-presidents to get rich serving the interests of a foreign government that teaches its citizens to hate us.
- “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell