As alluded to earlier, I’ll be in the Bay area this weekend, tomorrow to Sunday afternoon, Valleyish early in the week, and in SF proper for the weekend. My Saturday and Sunday are currently quite unstructured, so, if anyone wants to hang, give me a buzz, randomfoo at gmail.
Category: Legacy
My Treo 600 unfortunately started crapping out on me last week and has since gotten worse. I was finally able to get a tech at the Sprint Store to look at it and got a ‘fail’ status back. It’s still under warranty (just barely), so I’ll be getting a replacement.
This, of course, doesn’t mean that they opened a box up, but rather that they’re getting one shipped out, scheduled to arrive Oct 4. After my weekend trip up north where I’m sure to need my phone. I’m going to see if I’ll be able to resurrect my old Timeport for the trip.
One unfortunate thing about ServerMatrix‘s service is their lack of publically accessible authoritative bandwidth usage. This is nothing that a little WWW::Mechanize can’t solve:
# User Agent
my $a = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$a->agent_alias('Mac Mozilla');
# TokeParser
my $stream;
# Login
$a->field('username', $login);
$a->field('password', $passwd);
# Get Bandwidth
$stream = HTML::TokeParser->new($a->content());
while(my $token = $stream->get_tag('td')) {
my $text = $stream->get_text();
if($text =~ /^Estimated RAW Usage: /) {
my @t = split(' ', $text);
print "muffins bw:
print $t[3] . 'GB, ';
printf('%3.1f%%', $t[3]/12);
This runs on cron and gives me a nice little output like so on my desktop (care of GeekTool):
–> I recently saw Brad Barrish’s blog in the ol’ referer logs. His A Garden State Mix is good, definitely less obvious/on point than the actual soundtrack. Also, the new matt pond PA song he has linked is great. I noticed on his sidebar that he was really blown away by the new U2 single. I’ll be truthful here. I used to be (probably still am) a U2 superfan, but for some reason, I’m not entirely feeling it. (Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the new song, like the bridge is just awesome. shades of the Salome) Maybe it’ll grow on me. While I’m riffing randomly on music, Audioscrobbler (my profile), my top RFEs: Mama mia that’s a lot a’ CODECs The FSF (join!) sent me a copy of Lawrence Lessig’s latest book Free Culture. Cool. I had begun reading the book in PDF format while I was serving Jury Duty (flip the Powerbook sideways and go into full screen w/ and you have a decent ebook), but never got around to finishing it. I just finished Imperial Hubris, so I will definitely be throwing it on the queue. Stewart on O’Reilly the other week – here’s the clip Unleashed Trailer – an english-language Jet Li movie that won’t suck?