One unfortunate thing about ServerMatrix‘s service is their lack of publically accessible authoritative bandwidth usage. This is nothing that a little WWW::Mechanize can’t solve:

# User Agent
my $a = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$a->agent_alias('Mac Mozilla');
# TokeParser
my $stream;
# Login
$a->field('username', $login);
$a->field('password', $passwd);
# Get Bandwidth
$stream = HTML::TokeParser->new($a->content());
while(my $token = $stream->get_tag('td')) {
  my $text = $stream->get_text();
  if($text =~ /^Estimated RAW Usage: /) {
    my @t = split(' ', $text);
    print "muffins bw:
    print $t[3] . 'GB, ';
    printf('%3.1f%%', $t[3]/12);

This runs on cron and gives me a nice little output like so on my desktop (care of GeekTool):