Freedom and Accountability

Yesterday I dropped off all my stuff (although I’ll be back @ BH for the Fire Eagle meetup, so I don’t think its all that sudden of a shift), but today was my first “full” day of being on my own. It’s definitely a great feeling, and I have more than enough to keep me occupied.

I’ve run an internal Confluence installation for the past couple years (the personal license is free – if you’re looking for a good personal wiki and have the spare RAM to run Tomcat, it’s worth giving a try, it’s IMO the best wiki software out there – Deki Wiki is also nice, but impossible to install), which has been pretty successful for gathering together notes and projects. In an effort to keep focused on how I’m spending my time, I’m getting started on keeping a daily worklog again.

Dear Internal Weblog

In the past, I’ve found that it’s good for helping me to keep on track (and also on focusing on the things I really want to get to for the next day). I’m revamping an older Dashboard widget I’m writing (which banged against WP’s XML-RPC) which hopefully I’ll publish soon when I get the “public SVN” todo item done.