SXSW Music: Day 1

Well, it looks like I’m about at my 500MB/week limit on Vimeo. So far I’ve gotten up to Wednesday. I spent most of the day getting set up crashing at a friend’s friends place (who knew air mattresses at Target were so damn cheap?) More later I guess? (or who knows, maybe I’ll have to fire up the ol’ YouTube account…

Note: I’m uploading the rest on YouTube since I decided I didn’t want to drag this out over 5 weeks. I’ll post that when it’s up. While the quality is lower, YouTube also has some advantages, such as a somewhat-working multi-video uploader. I say somewhat working, because after entering in the titles, descriptions, and tags for 39 videos, it looked like the “onblur” wasn’t firing and filling in the object info and it kept throwing empty title alerts at me (nothing like clicking through 39 of those a few times).

I used JesseR’s jsenv bookmarklet and the following code snippet:

for(i=0; i<39; i++) { 
  uproxy.setMetaData(files[i], 'field_myvideo_title', document.getElementById('video_title' + i).value);
  uproxy.setMetaData(files[i], 'field_myvideo_descr', document.getElementById('video_description' + i).value);
  uproxy.setMetaData(files[i], 'field_myvideo_keywords', document.getElementById('video_tags' + i).value);