Tonight I listened to Vincent Cerf give a keynote for an IMSC open house. I didn’t get to ask my question (what his thoughts on the impacts of software patents were on the principle of end-to-end), but I left feeling really energized. Also, MCI is still around? Is my Worldcom stock still a wash?

Vince Cerf w/ PowerBook

Afterwards, I skipped the free food and went back to McCarthy Quad, right in front of where I work. The programming board had apparently sprung some cash and brought Michael Moore out on his Slacker Uprising Tour. There were an impressive number of people (5K?), including a small, but loud protesting contingent. That was all good and fun until they became quite rude while a guest was brought onstage who talked about both the brother he lost in Iraq as well as the things that he thought were important as far as keeping hope, and doing the best that one can do (he is a substitute teacher in the LAUSD)… It’s quite sad, because his speech, plain-spoken and thoughtful, was one of the highlights of the night. Tom Morello showed up and played some folk songs. Also, Michael Moore responded to some of the Iraq war supporters by offering to sign them up for the army now, rather than having those “kids 2 blocks down the street” fighting and dying for you. That was a zinger that hit pretty close to home, one’d imagine.

McCarthy Quad was completely packed

All in all, a pretty unique event, just in the sheer numbers and the atmosphere. I took some photos, and will try to put together a panorama if I get a chance.

Also, upon reflection, a pretty good night. One that also makes me realize that in many ways, I’m completely spoiled in my current environment. Am I not appreciating it enough? Recently I’ve had some cause to think and reassess about my life (ahh, life decisions).

I just turned 24, but I have a lot of choices. More than most. An embarrassing amount actually. What are my options? What do I want to do with my life? Am I happy with where I am and what I’m doing? Am I jumping through hoops for something I don’t even want?

All good questions.