For your viewing pleasure (this calls for a permalink):

BTW, the WMV is fine quality-wise, but the AVI is there for completeness (I’ve taken the AVI down for the time being, see below for mirrors). Also, if this starts getting slow, be sure to check out the bittorrent (also, check suprnova). It’s been /.’d so there are 4K+ seeds.

10/16 NOTE: at this point, the torrents will likely be faster than a direct d/l (Apache is handling 100+ simultaneous connections and avg’ing 7.0MB/s right now, 25GB/hr)

10/18 NOTE: Wow, this is crazy. I’ve updated the link to a redirector script as I’m going to pass the 1TB mark soon but want to keep this post accessible. If anyone has mirrors that they want to contribute bandwidth, drop me a line. I have a PHP script set up to do weighted round-robin redirection. Also, another pitch to try Phil’s bittorrent. You’ve heard all about this P2P thing, why not give it a try? There are over a thousand active seeders, so it’s going to be fast. Also, see this Daily Kos thread for some more links.

10/22 NOTE:

Oh, back to the files you’re looking for:

10/19 Update – Followup:

  • Daily_Show-Crossfire_Fallout.movboogah’s iFilm’s hosting the daily show followup
  • Jon Stewart, Again in the Crossfire – oh, back to absurd (or is that wickid retarded?), watch how Crossfire spin’s Stewarts appearance AND TOTALLY FUCKIN MISSES THE POINT
  • No Jokes or Spin. It’s Time (Gasp) to Talk. – NYTimes Television section gives Jon Stewart a big thumbs up

    Mr. Stewart is very funny, but it is the vein of “a plague on both your houses” indignation that has made his show a cult favorite: many younger voters are turning to the “The Daily Show” for their news analysis, and are better served there than on much of what purports to be real news on cable.

    And of course it was fun just to see television pundits who think they are part of the same media version of the Algonquin Round Table as Mr. Stewart lose their cool when he tore off the tablecloth and shattered the plates. “Wait,” Mr. Carlson said querulously. “I thought you were going to be funny. Come on. Be funny.” Mr. Stewart was funny. And it was at their expense.

See also, the CNN transcript:

CARLSON: I do think you’re more fun on your show. Just my opinion.


CARLSON: OK, up next, Jon Stewart goes one on one with his fans…


STEWART: You know what’s interesting, though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.


CARLSON: Now, you’re getting into it. I like that.


Fun lasts until I hit 1TB or I get a takedown notice. 🙂