Recently Reading

The middle of last year was pretty much completely dominated by politics for me. Memeorandum replaced Techmeme as my starting page, and TPM and FiveThirtyEight were at the top of my reading list. Since then, my attention has started floating back. Here are some of my recent faves (blogs that have been intersecting well with some of my current interests):

  • aaronland – for whatever reason (having more spare time? 🙂 I noticed myself reading more of Aaron’s excellent (and lengthy) essays this year. (geo, maps, photos)
  • tecznotes – another one of the blogs that I’ve been following for a while that I’ve been digging a lot more – probably also has to do w/ being able to get back into doing cool stuff. Mike’s everyoneiknowisdoingawesomeshit tag seems apt to mention here (visualization, maps)
  • Duke Listens! – there are a couple music technology blogs I’ve been following, but this one, by Sun researcher Paul Lamere I think has been the most consistently interesting (music, recommendations)
  • SmugBlog: Don MacAskill – I’ve spent more than my share of time the past couple years thinking about scaling, and it was nice to find a blog/community of people talking about some of the nuts and bolts (mysql, hardware, scaling)
  • Perspectives – James Hamilton (AWS) has also been publishing some great stuff along those lines, mostly around data center efficiency (data center, hardware, scaling)

I also now have a pretty reliable stream of AV stimulation through my Vimeo channels and groups. Not that there’s any shortage of interesting things – it always amazes me when people talk about being bored online – attention continues to be what’s in short supply for me, even now being able to set my own schedule.

I’ve been cranking away for the past few weeks on a new project, but hopefully I’ll have a chance this week to catch up w/ some posts, including some of the stuff I’ve been working on.