New Server

At the end of last year I picked up a new server that had more RAM and HD space. It took me a while to make sure it was running stably and even longer to finally get around to moving everything over, but I think I’m mostly done now. Things that took the longest:

  • Mail – it took me forever to set up my old virtual mail setup (a Courier/Postfix system on MySQL). I didn’t want to go through all of that for my new server. At first I tried DBMail, but failed to get that working and ended up w/ Dovecot. It still took a while to get TLS and SASL all set up and delivering to my Maildirs. I’m still amazed by how there isn’t a simple package/config that will simply setup everything in a way that just works.
  • Java – I run Confluence as my personal wiki, and let me tell you, Java sucks. It took a bit of noodling to get everything working mostly because the built in Tomcat was dying (some MBean business) and the standalone didn’t have AJP set up. Anyway, you could say that I’m not a fan.

Hopefully I everything’s working and I have all my files. I’ll be kicking off the old server in a few days.