Keyconfig for Firefox 3

I’ve been happily using Firefox 3 for the past couple months. On the Mac in particular, it’s been a night and day difference performance-wise. One of the more unfortunate aspects right now is that there aren’t a lot of extensions that work with FF3 at the moment. One of those that I missed a lot was the keyconfig extension.

It hasn’t been updated for a while (and the download site is a bit on the sparse side, but it looks like the author, dorando is still active and there are directions for modifying the XPI to be compatible w/ FF3.

Since I went through the trouble of modifying the bits, I thought I’d throw it up there for those less inclined to muck around in the files. This will give an unsigned warning, but should install: keyconfig-ff3.xpi.


  • install.rdf modified with 3.0.*
  • install.rdf modified to comment out so it can be installed w/o modifying security preferences
  • this.os.addObserver(this,"stupid-dummy",false); added to function keyconfigService()
  • document.createElement("key") changed to gDocument.createElement("key") in the keyconfig.jar!contents/keyconfig.js file

UPDATE: The June 11, 2008 build of keyconfig at has support for FF3 – you’re probably better off getting the official version there.