More than a Stopgap?

I’ve put up a page that I’ve threatened to do years ago that randomly rotates old posts. It’s augmented by other automatically generated feeds (by products of my daily actions). While the latter is a widespread practice, I think as more and more blogs accrue years of backlog posts, that we might be seeing more and more designs/mechanisms to surface them.

In fact, it’s only after implementing my own random post rotator that I’ve realized just how compelling this is on a personal level – it brings back a sense of serendipity and self-discovery, and also gives a new context for accomplishment. (4000+ posts over the past 7 years!)

My in-progress redesign is focusing on ways of highlighting and integrating the various streams and non-blog projects I’ve been working on, but I think the random historical posts will stay, especially as I experiment with adding new ways to interact with them (rating, tagging, favoriting, commenting, addendums, related posts)