Aziz Ansari is a Fucking Badass

For my last night at SXSW this year, I skipped out early on the closing night parties and caught the Comedians of Comedy show at Emo’s. The line was a bit intimidating, but it turns out that this was definitely the right decision. (standing for so long was leg-numbing, but the Emo’s Sparkleberries helped – yeah, what can I say, I fell off the horse there)

Sure you know Patton Oswalt is gonna rock, but the rest of the lineup was great too. I really dug Flight of the Conchords, but a special googlejuicing shout out goes to Aziz Ansari, fucking badass (see also), who just won Best Standup at the Aspen Comedy Festival, for bringing on the east-coast nerdcore in full effect [mov].

(Some more SXSW recapping should be coming, but definitely not anything as involved as last year)