Sometimes it Browses as Well

Like most people apt to be reading this right now, I do a lot of web browsing. On any given day, I’m apt to have a dozen windows and over a hundred tabs open. Firefox does not like this (luckily, it looks like there’s some definite progress on memory leaks). Suffice to say, without SessionSaver, I’d be a very (as opposed to mildly) unhappy camper.

The past few months, this has taken a decidely worse turn as I’ve discovered and installed more and more useful development extensions and GM scripts. The kicker here is that most of these are invaluable. I can’t even being to count the amount of time they’ve saved in hunting down otherwise downright nasty problems. But, alas, having all these plugins installed just means that opening new tabs gets to beachballing that much quicker. (dev quality inverse w/ browsing quality?)

Hmm, this really wasn’t meant to be a complaint post at all, but actually one highlighting some of the cool things I’ve discovered. So here’s my extension list, courtesy of InfoLister: