End of the Year, Beginning of the Year

It’s been a hectic past few months, so I’m spending this new years eve wrapping up things and getting a head start on some things. I just finished making some last-minute year-end contributions (EFF, FSF, Wikipedia, Media Matters, and the Red Cross, among others). I’ve been spending the past couple days on cleaning and reorganizing my OmniOutliner todo list. I’m hoping to get to cleaning my notes files into the appropriate wikis (I’ve decided that this is the year that I move towards moving all my permanent online-reference/storage off of single machines and onto something theoretically more stable and easier to back up). I’ve also been ignoring this site recently, but as I get settled in (I finally have gotten my [fingers-crossed] permanent residence up north), I’m hoping to have some time and energy to try something new here.

Here’s to 2006.