Norcal Update

Between the general craziness of the move up here and the simultaneous casualty of my laptop, and an incredibly busy time at the new j-o-b, things have been incredibly quiet around here. I’m planning on trying to get settled into a normal schedule soon, as my current one isn’t really sustainable. It’s a bit on the early to burn out, even if it’s from over-excitement.

I’ve started my sublet in SOMA, but I fear that the commute may be too much for me. About half of it I can be productive during (baby-bullet on the Caltrain is about 45m), but still, it’s a real shock to the system to be commuting for so much time and on that sort of schedule (I lived close to work in LA, so most of my traffic time was discretionary).

The idea is if I do stuff in the city it’ll be worth it, but this week has mostly been taking forever and a day to get home and falling asleep dead tired.