Links and Pithy Comments

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit worn down by Some of it is from the limitations of the service itself (ability for longer notes, page caching, etc) which is something where I could conceivably switch to a more fully featured competitor (furl, but which would mitigate my existing “social” functionality, but I think that fundamentally, my main two gripes wouldn’t be solved:

  • Instantaneous/automatic logging – sure Mark Pilgrim’s GM script is cute, but how about something that actually effectively tracks my browsing history (by tab, session) across multiple browsers/machines, and allows easy review/visualization, privacy/routing control that can replace the ineffectual bookmarking system entirely.
  • Aggregation and correlation – The social perspective is nice, but I what I would value even more is self correlation. I’ve generated 4K+ blog entries, and tens of thousands of links. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say that I’ve probably clicked on several hundred thousand links, and I probably average several hundred KB of daily text consumption. (And that’s not touching on the many bookmark files, todo/project txts, and wikis which I keep as personal reference) It’s a big ball of twine

The first would be easier to solve than the second I think.