Setting Up Virtual Mail and SMTP-AUTH on Debian

In general, I don’t consider myself too much of a sysadmin dummy, but it seems that getting my mail set up was much more complex than it should have been for what seems to be a fairly common set up. You’d think that this type of thing would be automated… but, you’d be wrong.

  • Virtual mail – this setup guide worked perfectly (I picked this data-model over the rest I reviewed since it seemed simple and made sense). As long as you tail your mail logs to see what’s going wrong, this shouldn’t be much of an issue.
  • SASL – Using libpam-mysql for SASL? Not a good idea. Here’s a much easier way, install libsasl2-modules-sql and use the auxprop set up as specified. Easy breezy. Be sure to enable TLS in Postfix’s properly and check if there aren’t MySQL connection problems (enable local TCP/IP if it can’t reach the socket)
  • TLS – use stunnel to connect into/test your SMTP-AUTH

OK, once you’ve found the right guides, it doesn’t seem so hard, but damn if it didn’t take me a whole lot of searching, trial and error, and log debugging to get there.