Summer Movies

I finally got around to seeing Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith today (digitally projected at the Mann Village) yesterday. The second-half got me so caught up it made me wish there were three more movies that might explain what happened after that! Jokes, aside, watching the final act made me think about how good the prequels could have been. Also, it explains in a much better way why Anakin turns to the dark side (mostly because the Jedi are pompous, hypocritical assholes) while still illustrating why the Sith are no better. That’s actually more subtlety than I would’ve given Lucas credit for (especially as the hilarious ham-fistedness continues just everywhere else). However, my inner-geek is still niggled by the continuity errors like Old Ben not recognizing R2, being surprised by Leia later on (“no, there is another”)… Leia having memories of her mother (the whole time I was thinking how much more ironic it would have been if Padme didn’t die so that Anakin’s turning was pointless), if Anakin did have other family in Tatooine, what was his mother doing still in slavery for so long? oh, if Qui-Gon was the one who discovered immortality, how does Anakin learn it at the end?, also it took a long time to construct the original Death Star – union workers, huh?

Anyway, lots of movies out right now and in the next few months that I’d like to catch (most probably on Netflix… eventually)