T7 Video

I’ve been insanely busy and tired (hmm, are those two connected?), so I’ve been a bit behind in putting up some video from my trip (and from my T7). I’ll post some more later, but for now, here’s a 22 second (28MB!) 640x480x30fps video that shows what the quality of the video can be (this is in ‘Fine’ mode. The ‘Standard’ mode is much more reasonable).

T7 Fine Video

OK, and here’s a short clip w/ Mark Allen in standard mode (11s @ 640x480x25fps, 3.9MB, 354KB/s data rate). I believe that half of the videos I’ve taken now have either VO of me talking about the video capture or of people asking me about it:

T7 Standard Video

So here’s the skinny on the T7:

  • Love the form factor, it’s an incredible carry-everywhere camera
  • Still blown away by it’s video capability
  • Screen is ginormous and insanely clear/bright, good in all but the brightest daylight
  • Bootup in about a second, zero shutter lag
  • Starts getting pretty noisy at 200, tops off at a very noisy 400 ISO
  • Amazing that it’s a 3X optical lens, but poky @ 3.5f-4.4f
  • Battery life is a bit low, a few hundred shots, or less than an hour of w/ video
  • No zooming while recording. Boo-urns

Worth it for $500? You bet. Only thing that would be better is if it had wi-fi or 3G support for instant uploading.